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William Perreault edited this page Aug 12, 2017 · 1 revision


The game Framework is a set of foundation components scripts and classes that provide basic structure and functions to a game. It is a core library aimed to help the dev of a game for its paticular needs.


Hide as much as possible low-level details of the game engine. Help solve tricky problems in game dev (entity movement, user/ai input, etc.) Reduce boilerplate code.


Here is a list of general concepts in the game framework


Entities represent any game object in a game world. Ranging from Characters to triggers to logical units. They are made up of components.


  • Entity in a game level
  • Uniquely identified with an Id
  • Not a precise object (not an instance of class Entity in memory)
  • Supports network replication for multiplayer games
  • Can be constructed from prefab, custom designed definitions.
  • can be destroyed (destory(entityId) ) or spawned ( spawn(entityId) )


  • Reusable functionality that can be added to an Entity
  • Example: Engine Components: - TransformComponent: Adds a position to an entity - PhysicsComponent: Adds physics collisions (Colliders and physics body) - Sprite Component : Adds a sprite to visually represent the entity GameFramework Components: - HealthComponent : Health Points - DirectionComponent: Direction the entity is facing - ScriptComponent: Adds a series of script to give reusable entity specific behaviours. - Mostly used for behaviours and input control


Represents events that can happen during the game.

  • CollisionEvent: collision between two entities
  • InputEvents: An Input has been triggered.


  • Special Kind of entity behaving as an agent in the world altering the state of the world.
  • Handles movement and input
  • can usually walk


  • A brain that lets the entity behave

  • PlayerController: Brain controlled by a human player

  • AIController: Brain controlled by AI behaviours

  • is A component attached to a single entity at a time.


  • Interface for players to agents
  • Handles user Input (click, keyboard, gamepad)
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