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erasels edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 8 revisions

Branching Upgrades on Cards

An interface that has to be implemented on the card that is supposed to have a branching upgrade. This allows the card to have two distinct upgrade paths which the player can choose between when smithing.

Implementation example:

public class CoolCard extends CustomCard implements BranchingUpgradesCard
  public void upgrade() {
    if (!this.upgraded) {
      if (isBranchUpgrade()) {
      } else {

  public void baseUpgrade() {
  public void branchUpgrade() {

Common Keyword Icons

Boolean SpireField on cards that, if set to true, will render small icons representing certain common keywords in the top-right of the card. If the icons are present, the tooltips for the card are automatically added. This allows the card text to not include them and saving some space.

The following keywords can be replaced by an icon:

Innate, Ethereal, Retain, Purge, and Exhaust.

Implementation example:

public class NoKeywordTextCard extends CustomCard
    public NoKeywordTextCard () {
        CommonKeywordIconsField.useIcons.set(this, true);

Spawn Modification Cards

This is an interface you can implement on cards that allows you to fully control how and if a card will be spawned and what happens if it does.

This interface has 3 methods that achieve this:


When the card implementing this interface is rolled, this method gets called before it is added to the ArrayList containing the cards that will be in the card reward and before the code checks for duplicates.

currentRewardCards ArrayList<AbstractCard>
List of the cards that were already rolled excluding the card that calls this method. This is not guaranteed to contain all cards of the reward, it may even be empty at the time.

Return: boolean
Allows you to either let the card spawn by returning true or rolling a new card if you return false. By default, this method always returns true.

The card has a 50% chance to actually spawn if rolled and you can only have one instance of it in your deck.

public class TestCard extends CustomCard implements SpawnModificationCard {
    public TestCard(...)

    public boolean canSpawn(ArrayList<AbstractCard> currentRewardCards) {
        //50% chance to not be allowed to spawn.
        if(AbstractDungeon.cardRng.randomBoolean()) {
            return false;
        //Player can't already have the card.
        for(AbstractCard c : {
            if (c.cardID.equals(this.cardID)) {
                return false;
        //Card will spawn.
        return true;


This method is called if canSpawn returns true and allows you to replace the rolled card with a new card instance that will be checked against the currentRewardCards to see if it's a duplicate or not. By default, the card doesn't get modified.

currentRewardCards ArrayList<AbstractCard>
List of the cards that were already rolled excluding the card that calls this method. This is not guaranteed to contain all cards of the reward, it may even be empty at the time.

Return: AbstractCard
The instance of the card that gets added to the list.

Example: If the player has a rare card in their deck, the card reward will contain a curse instead.

public class TestCard extends CustomCard implements SpawnModificationCard {
    public TestCard(...)

    public AbstractCard replaceWith(ArrayList<AbstractCard> currentRewardCards) {
        for(AbstractCard c : {
            if(c.rarity == CardRarity.RARE) {
                return new Pain();
        return this;


This method allows you to make final modifications to any card in the list right before the card reward is created.
Note: I advise against replacing cards at this stage because AbstractRelic:onPreviewObtainCard and upgrade chances have already been calculated before this point.

rewardCards ArrayList<AbstractCard>
The list of cards that will be in the card reward.

If this card is in a card reward, all other cards will be upgraded.

public class TestCard extends CustomCard implements SpawnModificationCard {
    public TestCard(...)

    public void onRewardListCreated(ArrayList<AbstractCard> rewardCards) {
        for(AbstractCard c : rewardCards) {
            if (c != this && c.canUpgrade()) {