Releases: kruize/autotune
Kruize Version 0.4 released!
You can get it from
Branch: master, Tag: v0.4
Commit id: 58b8bf8
Major changes include
[API] Add support for MetadataProfile
[API] New Bulk API format related to kafka changes
[API] Alpha level support for GPU autoscaling (MIG right-sizing) with Instaslice integration
[API] Add config support for single term and single model to be specified in createExperiment API
[API] Autoscaler to use custom term and model specified in createExperiment API
[Bug] VPA Integration validation checks
[Bug] Dynamically calculate threshold value for term
[Bug] Update ubi-minimal with latest
[Bug] Fix RBAC error in Kruize log
[Demo] Bulk demo UX updates
[Demo] GPU Demo for instaslice inetgration
[Tests] Add stress tests for bulk API
[Tests] Add VPA testing
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.4
Kruize Version 0.3 released!
You can get it from
Branch: master, Tag: v0.3
Commit id: 0d8bf0c
Major changes include
[Deploy] Add isROSEnabled flag to enable remote_monitoring
[API] Support concurrent remote_monitoring & local_monitoring
[API] Bulk API filtration support
[API] Bulk API timer support
[API] Auto mode support in Kruize for VPA integration PoC
[Bug] Jetty server upgrade to address CVE
[Bug] Better bulk API error handling
[Bug] Fix no data available issue in generate recommendations
[Bug] Fix listing experiments to display recommendations for both container & namespace
[Demo] VPA demo & Bulk demo UX updates
[Demo] Demo updates for concurrent remote_monitoring & local_monitoring
[Tests] Test updates for concurrent remote_monitoring & local_monitoring
Full Changelog: v0.2...v0.3
Kruize Version 0.2 released!
You can get it from
Branch: remote_monitoring, Tag: v0.2
Commit id: 268063a
Major changes include
[Deploy] Make local_monitoring as default
[API] Add experiment_name format to support ROS requirement
[API] Bulk API JSON format change to make it easier to parse experiment status
[API] Bulk API Add time range filter support to ROS input JSON
[API] Webhook support for Bulk API
[API] Datasource authentication DB updates
[Bug] Reduce default resource configuration for deploying Kruize onto OpenShift
[Bug] Upgrade OS to UBI Minimal 9.5 and other CVE fixes
[Bug] Better bulk API error handling
[Bug] promql query bug fixes
[Bug] Fix datasource exception management
[Demo] Better Kruize UX for local monitoring demo
[Tests] Bulk API functional tests
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2
Kruize Version 0.1 released!
You can get it from
Branch: master, Tag: v0.1
Commit id: 02886da
This is a more experimental release than usual and it adds
- Bulk API support
- GPU Recommendations for MIG Partitioning
- Make local_monitoring as default
- Test updates for all of the above
- Other bug fixes
Full Changelog: v0.0.25...v0.1
Kruize Version 0.0.25_rm released!
You can get it from
Branch: remote_monitoring, Tag: v0.0.25
Commit id: 96be0e5
What's Changed
[Deploy] NA
[API] Support for Namespace recommendations (alpha)
[API] Add Queries for Namespace recommendations
[API] MetricsProfile updates
[Bug] Update OS, JVM and Maven versions
[Bug] Create metricProfile based on non-recording rules
[Tests] Fault tolerant test for kruize-local
[Tests] MetricProfile hardening tests
Full Changelog: v0.0.24...v0.0.25
Kruize Version 0.0.24_rm released!
You can get it from
Branch: remote_monitoring, Tag: v0.0.24
Commit id: fdfb4b1
Release Changelog
[Deploy] Added 2 new kubernetes cluster type support AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) and KinD
[API] Support for create, list and delete operations for metric profile
[API] Experimental Support for new Kubernetes workload type ‘job’
[Bug] Resolved the Kruize prometheus notification issue
[Tests] End to end local monitoring testing
[Tests] Tests to support Metric Profile API operations
Full list of PRs can be found here
Kruize Version 0.0.20_rm released!
You can get it from
docker pull
docker pull
Commit id: da75ffe66d1677375167a9c88046b0dbaadf41ac
Release Changelog
[API] V2 of the API, updates the listRecommendations / updateRecommendations API JSON to add the new recommendations profile.
[Deploy] No updates
[UI] A new version of the Kruize UI (0.0.3) has been released that supports the new recommendation profiles.
[DB] No updates
[Workflow] No updates
[Recommendations] update_recommendations JSON has been updated to add “cost” and “performance” recommendation engines.
[Recommendations] The definition of the two recommendation engines (or profiles) is documented here.
[Test] Test automation improvements
[Test] Running tests through comments
[Test] Script to grab Kruize metrics from prometheus
[Bug] Better validation of updtes_results params
Full list of PRs can be found here.
The primary focus of this release is adding the recommendations profile. We now support two different recommendation “profiles”, cost and performance. Currently they only affect CPU recommendations alone. Cost recommendations correspond to the 60th percentile of the CPU usage, while the performance profile recommendations correspond to the 98th percentile of CPU usage for the related container.