Kruize Version 0.4 released!
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Branch: master, Tag: v0.4
Commit id: 58b8bf8
Major changes include
[API] Add support for MetadataProfile
[API] New Bulk API format related to kafka changes
[API] Alpha level support for GPU autoscaling (MIG right-sizing) with Instaslice integration
[API] Add config support for single term and single model to be specified in createExperiment API
[API] Autoscaler to use custom term and model specified in createExperiment API
[Bug] VPA Integration validation checks
[Bug] Dynamically calculate threshold value for term
[Bug] Update ubi-minimal with latest
[Bug] Fix RBAC error in Kruize log
[Demo] Bulk demo UX updates
[Demo] GPU Demo for instaslice inetgration
[Tests] Add stress tests for bulk API
[Tests] Add VPA testing
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.4