You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 66
Note: Block Ids on any of the settings below can have data values as long as you wrap them with single-quotes: i.e.
List of block types that you want to be unbreakable types. An unbreakable type of block is a type that, once placed, can only be broken by their owner. Can be used to protect wealth blocks such as Gold
and Diamond
blocks. Also can be used to build with. For example setting Obsidian
as a protected block and letting players build protected Obsidian
enclosures in an anarchy world.
A list of field configuration blocks. PS comes with a few pre-configured fields in this section. But you can remove them all and start from scratch, or modify and keep the ones you need. The code blocks look like the block below. Refer to the Flag Reference for a description of what each flag does.
- title: City Protection
block: 57
radius: 20
custom-height: 15
prevent-fire: true
prevent-place: true
prevent-destroy: true
prevent-explosions: true
prevent-unprotectable: true
prevent-flow: true
welcome-message: true
farewell-message: true
visualize-on-rightclick: true
mixing-group: 1
cuboid: true
A list blocks types that anyone will be able to break or place inside force fields i.e. torches, etc.
A list of blocks which that cannot be protected inside fields with the prevent-unprotectable
flag enabled. If the blocks on this list are on the ground, players will be unable to create a field around them to protect them, same goes if they want to place these blocks inside existing fields, they will be denied. This is used for example on raiding servers that want to prevent players from hiding chests and such inside protections. They can add 54
on this list to achieve that.
A list of camouflage blocks used for the /ps hide
command. When hiding a field block, PS will look for a block surrounding the field that is included on this list to paint the block with. This list should contain oft found natural landscape blocks.
A list of block types that will get repaired when players are in a field with the *slow-repair field flag.
the items a player must be holding to be able to right click on fields/unbreakables to see their
- auto-allow-clan-on-fields - adds the players clan to the fields allowed list automatically when he creates new fields
- auto-download-vault - turns on the auto-downloader for vault. vault is required for economy integration.
- blacklisted-worlds - a list of worlds blacklisted from Precious Stones, it will be as if the plugin didn't exist
- check-once-per-block-on-move - checks protections only once per block when a player moves rather than at every increment. may increase performance
- default-item-currency - Default currency item used on buy/rent signs, used when no currency is specified. i.e. gold ingots
- disable-alerts-for-admins - admins will not be shown any non-bypass alerts
- disable-bypass-alerts-for-admins - admins will not be shown any bypass alerts
- disable-field-break-while-creative - prevents players from breaking fields while they are in creative, they have to be in survival to do it
- disable-field-place-while-creative - prevents players from placingfields while they are in creative, they have to be in survival to do it
- disable-ground-info - disabled right clicking on the ground to see info
- disable-simpleclans-hook - disables integration with SimpleClans. i..e you have SimpleClans but don't want it to hook into PreciousStones.
- drop-on-delete - drops the force-field block on deletion
- fence-max-depth - how far down the fence that is generated by the fence-on-place flag will be created when there is no floor
- global-field-limit - this is the max amount of fields any player can place. This works ontop of limits, the difference being that this limits the amount of fields they can plac loball cross field types
- lines-per-page - the number of lines to show on every page, applies to main menu and snitch list
- max-size-translocation - this is the maximum size your players will be able to translocate at any one time. this prevents enterprizing players from collecting tons of you translocation locks and try to translocate half your world and lag your server out
- max-size-translocation-for-redstone - this is the maximum size translocation that will be able to be triggered on/off by connecting redstone/levers/buttons to your translocatio pstone. his prevents lag from people setting up translocation circuits that repeatedly trigger huge translocations on/off
- max-target-distance - sets an upper bound on distance to searches when aiming at far off blocks (i.e. closing cuboids from a distance by aiming at them and clicking, etc)
- no-refund-for-fields - will not refund any money back to the players when they pick up their fields
- off-by-default - pstones will be disabled on logon for all users, will need to enable with /ps on
- prevent-breaking-hidden - Forces players to un-hide their fields to break them, they will not be breakable if hidden. Prevents inadvertedly breaking your own fields that you hid but forgot was a field.
- prevent-destroy-everywhere - a list of worlds in which players will not be able to destroy anything outside of their own fields, only fields with the allow-destroy flag can be broken
- prevent-place-everywhere - a list of worlds in which players will be able to place blocks outside of their own field, they will only be able to place field blocks to claim land, field ith the allow-place flag can be used to claim land
- *prevent-removal-if-player-in-field - prevents removing players from the allowed list of a field while they are still inside said field. Players have to wait for them to leave for them to be removed. You may want to enable this if you're having issues with ppls tricking others in same way.
- public-block-details - show the block details to anyone (when right clicking on a pstone block), not just the owner
- show-debug-info - shows temporary debug info, development use only
- show-default-welcome-farewell-messages - shows a default welcome and farewell message (on fields with the welcome and farewell flags) even if the field has not been named.defaul essage an be toggled back on manually via /ps toggle if the player so chooses)
- sneak-to-place-field - will make it so players will only be able to place fields while they are sneaking, if they are not sneaking they will place normal blocks. (i.e. placing a diamon lock while standing up will place a normal diamond block, buut if they are sneaking it will place City Protection block)
- sneak-to-place-normal-block - will make it so players will be able to place normal blocks while they are sneaking, if they are standing up they will place fields. This is the revers of sneak-to-place-field"
- use-blockids-in-snitches - shows block ids and data rather than the name of the block on snitch lists
- use-commands-to-rent - disables right clicking on signs to rent (rather it will display a message to use commands) and enables commands "/ps rent" and "/ps buy"
- version - used internally to track settings versions (do not change)
- entry - log all entries to restricted force fields
- fire - log all fire attempts on a restricted force field
- pvp - log all pvp attempts in restricted force fields
- place - log all pstone block placements
- place-area - log all force-field area attempted block placements
- use - log when a player uses a prevent-use block type
- destroy - log all pstone block destructions
- destroy-area - log all force-field area attempted block destroys
- unprotectable - log all attempted protections of unprotectable blocks
- bypass-pvp - log all pvp in no-pvp force fields bypass players
- bypass-delete - log all field deletions by bypass players
- bypass-destroy - log all pstone destruction by bypass players
- bypass-unprotectable - log all pstone destruction by bypass players
- conflict-place - log all pstone placement inside anothers force-field attempts
- rollback - logs all grief-revert rollbacks
- rents-and-purchases - logs all rents and purchases made
- place - notify the player when he places a pstone
- destroy - notify the player when he destroys a pstone
- bypass-pvp - notify the bypass player when he bypass-pvps
- bypass-unprotectable - notify the bypass player when he protects an unprotectable block
- bypass-destroy - notify the bypass player when he bypass-places a pstone
- bypass-noplace - notify the bypass player when he is bypassing a noplace rule
- fly-zones - notify the players when he enters and leave a no-fly zone
- rollback - notify the player when one of his grief-revert blocks is rolled back
- entry - warn player when he tries to enter an entry-restricted force field
- fire - warn player when he tries to start a fire on a fire-restricted force field
- pvp - warn a player when he hits another that there is not pvp in the force field
- place - warn player when he tries to pace a block on a place-restricted force field
- use - warn when a player uses a prevent-use block type
- destroy - warn a player when he tries to destroy a pstone that does not belong to him
- destroy-area - warn player when he tries to destroy a block inside a force field
- unpotectable - warn player when he tries to protect an unprotectable block
- instant-heal - warn the player when he is instant healed
- slow-heal - warn the player when he is being slowly healed
- slow-damage - warn the player when he is slowly damaged
- fast-damage - warn the player when he is fast damaged
- give-air - warn the player when he is receiving air
- launch - warn the player when he is being launched
- cannon - warn the player when he is being show from a cannon
- mine - warn the player when he is going to explode from a mine
- defining-blocktype - the block type to use during the cuboid defining process
- wand-blocktype - the block type of the wand that will be used (defaut is stick)
- visualization-blocktype - the block type that will show when you visualize a cuboid field
- block-type - the block type the visualization will be made of
- seconds - the amount of seconds the visualization will last
- end-on-player-move - makes the visualization disappear once the player starts to walk. this is to make sure the player doesn't begin to use the visualization blocks to pillar
- new-dotted-style - shows the new dotted style visualization, as opposed to the old outline version
- mark-block-type - the block type the mark visualization will be made of
- default-density - number of sections, per axis, to split up the field into when visualizing. higher the number the more glass
- ticks-between-sends - how many ticks to wait before sending out each back of blocks (20 ticks is approx 1 second)
- blocks-to-sends - how many blocks to send each batch
- max-fields-to-visualize-at-once - the maximum number of fields to visualize at one time
- min-interval-secs - the minimum amount of seconds between reverts your players will be able to ser with /ps setinterval
- black-list - these blocks will not be rolled back and will drop so they will be stealable
- frequency-seconds - the number of seconds to hold the pending changes before sending them to the database, note that PS holds an in-memory representation of the database and is no dependent on the database to hold its state. The longer the time before updates the less redundant the data will be going up, but you run the risk of losing your data if your server crashes before it could update to the database"
- max-records-per-snitch - limits the size of stores records on snitches. This was added to prevent massive snitch logs that end up lagging the server. Any number here is valid.
- player-inactivity-purge-days - how many days of inactivity a player has to have before all the pstones he owns become unprotected
- snitch-unused-purge-days - how many days does the snitch have to sit unused/unqueried for it to be deleted (helps with abandoned snitches that keep on collecting data indefinitely
- enable - set to true to enable mysql storage
- username - your database's username
- host - your database's host
- password - your database's password
- database - your database's name