ZBrush のプラグイン集です。
Please access to https://github.com/n-taka/n_ZBrushPlugins/releases and download .zip archive(s).
https://github.com/n-taka/n_ZBrushPlugins/releases にアクセス後、zipアーカイブをダウンロードしてご利用ください。
Other indirect dependencies (e.g. boost) will be also installed via package management system.
# Repository itself and submodules (Eigen, libigl)
git clone --recursive https://github.com/n-taka/n_ZBrushPlugins.git
# If you are new to vcpkg
vcpkg integrate install
# Other dependencies (cgal)
vcpkg install cgal cgal:x64-windows
The instruction for installing vcpkg is found in their repository
# Repository itself and submodules (Eigen, libigl)
git clone --recursive https://github.com/n-taka/n_ZBrushPlugins.git
# Other dependencies (cgal)
brew install cgal
The instruction for installing homebrew is found in their website
We use cmake for build.
cd /path/to/repository/root
cd plugin_you_want_to_build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you encounter some trouble (e.g. plugin doesn't work) or some feature requests, please contact me via github issue. Contact via Twitter is also welcomed.
「アプリが動かない!」「意図した挙動をしない!」「こういう機能があるといいよね!」等ありましたらgithub issueからお気軽にどうぞ。Twitterでも構いません
twitter @kazutaka_nakash
- MagicaVoxelizer: MPL2
- ThicknessChecker: GPL/LGPL (derived from CGAL)
- ClearanceChekcer: MPL2