This is a project that ressembles the classic Game of Life, but implemented in a 3D world. The project needs OpenGL 4.5 or greater to render, and currently only compiles under Linux (although it would be relatively easy to change CMakeLists to compile for Windows/macOS*(apple discontinued OpenGL support in favor of Metal)).
git clone
cd 3d-cellular-automata/build
cmake ..
make -j
If you just compiled, from the build folder, run:
../bin/3D_Cellular_Automata -f ../map.txt
The -f argument tells the program from which text file to load the initial map conditions. A map file must look like this:
rule: 2 3 3 3
size: 10
0 2 3
3 5 1
5 3 1
- Rule:
- First number: min of neighbour cells to survive.
- Second number: max of neighbour cells to survive.
- Third number: min of neighbours for a cell to be born.
- Fourth number: max of neighbours for a cell to be born.
- Size: the size of the cubic world.
- Cells: tells the program where to insert the initial cells, each cells needs a new line, specifying x, y and z coordinates as unsigned integers (from 0 to size-1)
- A-D: orbit
- W-S: zoom
- Spacebar: run 1 epoch
- Esc: exit