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Amir Chaudhry edited this page Apr 16, 2013 · 2 revisions

Photoshop mockups for the design work

These are some interim images of how the website will look. Things are still in flux but please do send feedback to Amir via the infrastructure mailing list.

NB: For some background and context (with links to screencasts), please see Amir's blog post. For a clickable demo of the pages, please visit the myBalsamiq page (although please read the notes on the blog post first).

Home page

Colour scheme for the banner is still being considered photoshop

Learn pages

Some of the Pages under the 'Learn' heading. photoshop

The 'Taste of OCaml' page photoshop

The Indusrial Users (or Companies) page photoshop

Documentation Pages

The Documentation landing page photoshop

Example of a package doc page (in this case for Core) photoshop

Platform page

Example of the Landing page for the Platform, including information about OPAM photoshop