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Development process

Holger Stitz edited this page Nov 3, 2017 · 1 revision

First we explain how all Phovea repositories are structured, then we describe how to contribute new features and bugfixes, and conclude by listing the steps to create a new release.

Phovea repository structure

The structure of all Phovea repositories is based on Driessen's Git branching model.

In summary:

  • All Phovea repositories must have a master and a develop branch (main branches)
    • master branch contains stable code that is production-ready
      • All releases are tagged with a version number
      • Dependencies to other Phovea repositories must point to a specific version number
    • develop branch contains code that is under on-going development
      • Dependencies to other Phovea repositories must point to the respective develop branch
  • Phovea repositiories may have supporting branches
    • Feature branches contain code for new features for the upcoming or a distant future release
      • May branch off from: develop
      • Must merge back into: develop by filing a reviewed pull request (PR)
      • Branch naming convention: anything except master, develop, release-*, or hotfix-*
    • Release branches support preparation of a new production release and allow for minor bug fixes and preparing meta-data for a release (version number, build dates, etc.).
      • May branch off from: develop
        • NOTE: By branching off the develop branch is cleared to receive features for the next big release
      • Must merge back into: develop and master by filing a reviewed PR
      • Branch naming convention: release-*
    • Hotfix branches contain code that fix an undesired state of a live production version.
      • May branch off from: master
      • Must merge back into: develop and master by filing a reviewed PR
      • Branch naming convention: hotfix-*

Contribute to Phovea repositories

  1. Develop features in a separate feature branch that is branched off the develop branch
  • IMPORTANT: If your feature affects code in multiple repositories, use the same branch name accross all repositories
  1. Remember to commit and push your changes regularly
  2. Once the feature implementation is done, file a pull request (PR) and cross-reference the PR in other repositories for the same feature
  3. Check if Travis is green, otherwise fix the issue with a new commit to the feature branch
  4. Assign a reviewer for your PR
  5. The reviewer will review the code and reject or approve the PR
  6. Approved PRs merge the new feature back to the develop branch
  7. The reviewer removes the feature branch
  8. The develop branch collects all features for the (undefined) next release

Phovea release process

  1. When all (or enough) features are implemented and tested create a new release branch from the develop branch
  • Use the next version number in the branch name (e.g., release-1.0.0)
  1. Clear the develop branch to receive features for the next big release
  2. Changes that can/should be done in the release branch:
  • Update version number and build dates
  • Apply minor fixes only
  • Change Phovea dependencies from develop to the new version number
  1. File two pull requests: 1) release -> master; 2) release -> develop
  2. Check if Travis is green for both PRs, otherwise fix the issue with a new commit to the release branch
  3. Assign a reviewer for both PRs
  4. The reviewer will test once more and check if the version number is correct
  5. Approved PRs merge all features back into master and develop
  6. The reviewer removes the release branch
  7. Go to the master branch
  8. Create a new tag using the new version number (Github release)
  • NOTE: The release notes must contain a list of all PRs/issues that are contained in this release
  1. TODO: Publish on npm and pip

Dependency hierarchy

Follow the hierarchy from outside to inside as you make release branches, though note that other dependencies might have changed meanwhile. The most recent dependencies are listed in the package.json in the master branch of each repository.