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Spectrum Analyzer

project-owner edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 5 revisions

The Spectrum Analyzer screensaver displays spectrum data.


This screensaver depends on the peppyalsa plugin which provides spectrum data in the named pipe. The screensaver reads that data from the other end of the pipe. The plugin should be installed in order to use Spectrum Analyzer screensaver functionality.

Configuration Parameters

The screensaver has the following default parameters in file config.txt:

spectrum =
screen.size = medium
screen.width = 480
screen.height = 320
update.period = 10
max.value = 100 = /home/pi/myfifosa
size = 30
update.ui.interval = 0.033
frame.rate = 30
depth = 32
exit.on.touch = False
use.logging = False =

framebuffer.device = /dev/fb1
mouse.device = /dev/input/touchscreen
mouse.driver = TSLIB
mouse.enabled = True
video.driver = dummy
video.display = :0
double.buffer = True
no.frame = False
  • spectrum - comma separated list of spectrum names. If the property is empty all spectrums will be displayed.
  • screen.size - the size of the spectrum, possible values: small. medium. large and wide.
  • screen.width - the width of the container screen if spectrum is used inside of the container screen.
  • screen.height - the height of the container screen if spectrum is used inside of the container screen.
  • update.period - time period (in seconds) for updating one spectrum by another.
  • max.value - maximum spectrum amplitude.
  • - the name of the named pipe from which the screensaver reads data.
  • size - the number of frequency bands in spectrum.
  • update.ui.interval - defines in seconds UI update interval.


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