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Volume Control

project-owner edited this page Jun 19, 2022 · 7 revisions

If you use a Bluetooth speaker, set the following property in the configuration file /home/pi/Peppy/config.txt:

bluetooth = True

That will enable the Bluetooth menu in the Network UI. Also it will allow to automatically connect to a Bluetooth device.

The following properties in the configuration file /home/pi/Peppy/config.txt can be used to configure the Volume Control in Peppy Player.

type = amixer
amixer.scale = linear
amixer.control = Headphone
initial.volume.level = 
  • type - volume vontrol type: amixer(default)/player/hardware.
  • amixer.scale - either liner (default) or logarithmic volume scale. This property is valid only for amixer type.
  • amixer.control - the name of the amixer control: Headphone (default), PCM etc. The property is valid only for amixer type.
  • initial.volume.level - if specified will define the initial volume level during player startup.

The same properties can be modified using the Configuration Web UI:


The player provides three types of the Volume Control:

  • amixer (default) - this type assumes the usage of the amixer ALSA utility for volume control. The audio player (e.g. vlc) volume level will be set to 100% at startup.
  • Player - the audio player's (e.g. vlc) volume control functionality will be in use. The ALSA volume level (80% by default) will limit the maximum player volume level. The player's range 0-100% will be changing volume inside of the ALSA range 0-80%
  • Hardware - the audio player's level and ALSA volume level will be set to 100% at startup. It will be assumed that the volume will be changed using a hardware.

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