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YA Streams

project-owner edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 8 revisions

YA Streams mode (YouTube Audio Streams) allows to listen to YouTube audio streams.

WARNING!!! This mode is not working at the moment because of the issue in the youtube-dl library. The issue will be fixed in the next release.

To enable the mode the corresponding property ya-streams (False by default) should be set to True in the configuration file config.txt. After that the YA Streams option will appear in the Home Menu. The mode can be also enabled in the Configuration Web UI.


The default playlist is available for this mode. It contains 10 example links to YouTube Audio streams. Users can add their own links. To add new link visit the web site, select a video and copy either its URL or just ID:


Then paste selected ID (or URL) to the playlist and add the title which will be used in the player's UI for the stream:


Save the playlist and reboot the player. After these steps the new link to the stream will appear in the player's browser:


and can be selected for the playback:


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