#Quantification of cytokinesis in a one cell C. elegans embryo# version 1.0
References to the methods used in this application can be found at Positive Feedback Between Contractile Ring Myosin and Ring-Directed Cortical Flow Drives Cytokinesis, Renat Khaliullin, Rebecca Green, Linda Shi, Michael Berns, J. Sebastian Gomez-Cavazos, Arshad Desai, Karen Oegema ##Description## This application consists of two programs.
- finds a contractile ring in a z-stack time series. This generates a csv file containing positions and the size of the ring at each time point.
divPlaneClass.py (requires the csv file generated by FindRing.py):
- to validate ring position and size this program generates reconstructed division planes and draws contractile rings detected by FindRing;
- quantifies the fluorescence intensities along the contractile ring perimeter within arcs of a specified angular range;
- generates a kymograph of the division plane from the central z plane;
- calculates cortical fluorescence from the central plane;
- Install python with all dependencies: opencv, scipy, numpy, pillow, matplotlib, pyqt4, lmfit
- FindRing.py parameters (change at the bottom of the file):
series = '01'
prefix in the file name, i.e. seriesRing.tif (input images)timePointStart = 1
slide number to start ring detection. Make sure that intensity in the equatorial band is higher than at the surrounding cortexflip = False
Check that anterior side is at the top, otherwise change to Truefolder = ''
folder name with the imagesfilename = folder+series+'Ring.tif'
file name of the images with embryo z stacksnSlices = 30
number of z slices in a stackzPixelScale = 4.
number of pixels in the camera per 1um (ie 1um = 250nm x 4 pixels)tol = 8
number of pixels allowed for ring position misalignmentchromosomeMarker = False
if chromosome marker is present, the algorithm will try to detect and remove them before processinglateStage=False
if the ring is half way closed or more at the first slide, change to TruekernelSize = 5
the size of the gaussian filter before processing (has to be odd)embryoCenterDrift = 'linear'
defines how the center of the embryo in z is calculated;- 'independent': calculate center for each timepoint independently (use when the depth is manually adjusted through out imaging);
- 'linear': the center depth is calculated from a linear fit to detected individual centers (use when a steady drift is observed, like imaging on agarose pads);
- 'median': calculates median position for the center (use only when there is no drift of the embryo center)
- divPlaneClass parameters (change at the bottom of the file):
fileName = '01Ring.csv'
full path to the input file -dts = 30
time between time points -nZ = 30
number of Z planes -dZ = 4.
pixels between z -pixelSize = 0.25
pixel size in microns -da = 20.
averaging angle in degrees (angle step size) -drS = 0.1
averaging distance inside the ring -drL = 0.3
averaging distance outside the ring
##CONTACT## Renat Khaliullin
renatkh at gmail.com