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mwylde edited this page Jan 29, 2012 · 3 revisions

We can all agree that the name "Roomtrol" sucks. Apparently including the word "troll" doesn't inspire confidence in the quality of your products.

So we're going to pick something better. Ideally something whose .com is available, but that's not absolutely necessary (although we should avoid names that are already product/company names).

Here are some suggestions, which I hope people will add to:

  • Controlku (.com available)
  • Conku (.com unavailable, also a last name)
  • Styra (Swedish for control, .com unavailable)
  • Elencho (Greek for control, .com available)
  • Zeneko (Mangling of Basque for direct, .com unavailable)

A few more from random generation:

  • Cluent
  • Accuble
  • Gliant

Dude, these are all IMPOSSIBLE to remember - except Controlku. It reminds me of, a super awesome site (the best) for choosing flights. However, whenever I try to think of it, I can barley remember the name because there is nothing in common with flights and hip monks, unless you are flying to an indian ashram, and you're from wes where people think that's hip...

However, my helpful suggestions will come at a later date. -Evan