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Serge Camille edited this page Aug 24, 2015 · 1 revision

This documentation is a part of the TCI reference.

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Public test realms

  • ptr (scope: ulterior characters; default: 0) allows you to target the ptr version. By default, Simulationcraft targets the live WoW version. Beware: Simulationcraft may not be fully updated for the ptr version, you're advised to check the version changes on ReleaseNotes.
 #This allows you to compare the live version of a character with his evil twin on the ptr. 
 # We first create the live character with ptr=0, then we set ptr to 1 and copy the current character to a new one named "EvilTwin".

 #<Insert other options here>
 #<Insert character declarations here>


Combat Length

Three modes are proposed for adjusting the combat length:

  1. Specifying the expected combat duration: while the health deficit (damages you did on the target) will remain constant, the initial health will be frequently updated throughout the fights to have the average fight duration converge towards the desired duration. Convergence is achieved on the average duration, not on every fight: some will be shorter, some will be longer. * max_time (scope: global; default: 450) is the duration, in seconds, you desire for the average fight duration.
 // This example will make the fights durations converge to 400s.
* **vary\_combat\_length** (scope: global; default: 0.2) will make the boss health vary linearly across the iterations. It is expressed as a fraction of the **max\_time** setting, between 0 and 1.
 #This example will make the combat length's targeted value vary between 180s and 220s.
  1. Specifying the initial health pool of the target: Simulationcraft will use this value as an initial health for the target and just end the simulation once the target reach 0 hp, totally ignoring the max_time setting. * target_health (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, is the initial target health pool and triggers the second mode.
 // This example will ignore the max_time duration and just have an initial health pool of 100M HP.
  1. Specifying a constant fight duration with a target always at 0% hp: it is of very little use for damages dealers because the executes will be used throughout the whole fight. But it may be useful in some cases. * fixed_time (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will force the fight duration to be exactly max_time. Enabling this setting will enforce the third mode, ignoring the target_health setting.
 #This example will make the combat length being exactly 300s on all iterations.

Infinite resources

  • infinite_rage, energy, mana, focus, runic, health (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, provide infinite resources of the corresponding type to all concerned characters.


  • strict_gcd_queue (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, forces the application to properly model the in-game gcd queue. In the future, this setting should be defaulted to 1. When this setting is left to zero, a player can still change his queued gcd action after the time his previously queued action should have been executed by the server. TOCHECK.
  • gcd_lag (scope: global; default:0.150) represents the latency, in seconds, suffered by the client when notifying the server you queued up a new gcd action. It should be set to your in-game latency (unless it is too small, see warning below). TOCHECK.
  • gcd_lag_stddev (scope: global; default:0.0) is the standard deviation (see Wikipedia - Normal distribution) that will be used to make gcd_lag vary across the simulation.
 #This example sets up a 50ms latency with a 10ms standard deviation.
  • channel_lag (scope: global; default:0.250) represents the latency, in seconds, suffered by the client when notifying the server you're still channeling a spell and waiting for the notification that your channeling ticked. It should be set to twice your in-game latency (unless it is too small, see warning below). TOCHECK.
  • channel_lag_stddev (scope: global; default:0.0) is the standard deviation (see Wikipedia - Normal distribution) that will be used to make channel_lag vary across the simulation.
 #This example sets up a 100ms latency with a 20ms standard deviation.
  • queue_lag (scope: global; default:0.037) represents the duration, in seconds, it takes for the server to process your queued gcd-bound action. It is server-specific and does not depend on your in-game latency. TOCHECK.
  • queue_lag_stddev (scope: global; default:0.0) is the standard deviation (see Wikipedia - Normal distribution) that will be used to make queue_lag vary across the simulation.
 #This example sets up a 10ms process time with a 2ms standard deviation.
  • default_world_lag (scope: global; default: 0.1) represents the network latency in seconds to your server. It is meant to be the equivalent of "World lag" shown in the World of Warcraft client. World lag is currently used to extend the duration of cooldowns for actions that have them to simulate the roundtrip required for the server to acknowledge the start of a cooldown. This is the default version of the option, which is set for every actor in the simulation. Latency may be overridden on a player level with the world_lag option.
 #This example sets up a sim-wide world latency of 300ms with 50ms standard deviation.
  • default_world_lag_stddev (scope:global; default 10% of default_world_lag) is the standard deviation that will be used to make default_world_lag vary across the simulation.

  • travel_variance (scope: global; default: 0.075) is the standard deviation (see Wikipedia - Normal distribution), in seconds, of the time a spell need to fly to its target when fired from a ranged distance.

 #This example sets up a 150ms standard deviation for the spells flight time.
  1. You may want to use gcd_lag and channel_lag to simulate brain_lag. It is a valid option, along with the use of skill (see the skill section for more information) and reaction_time (see ActionLists).
  2. Warning! Making the lag values too small or setting them to zero can result in discontinuities in the haste plots and jumps in haste scale factors.... Latency helps smooth out the behavior.


  • threads (scope: global; default: 1) is the number of threads to use to perform computations. Increasing this number will linearly decrease the computations times: maximum performances are reached with a value equal to the number of soft cores your CPU has. It may have a slight impact on other applications, though. Note that some features such as outputting combat logs are not available when using more than one thread! Besides, the memory consumption will also increase as data are duplicated across threads to simplify the conception and enhance performances. Finally, the report will display the number of iterations per thread rather then the total number.
 # An Intel Nehalem core i7 has 4 cores and, through the hyper-threading technology, 8 soft cores. Let's use 7 of them for Simulationcraft and leave one for foreground applications.


Http cache

  • http_clear_cache (scope: ulterior http calls; default: 0), when used with a non-zero value, will force the the flush of the http cache before the next lines of the file are interpreted and executed.
 # Since we'll force the use of the cache in this script, we first flush in cas it has been executed before.

 # We first pull two characters who both want the same legendary weapon in order to figure out how they will compare.


 # Now we pull the rest of the guild's raiders, enforcing the cache. Blii and John will be pulled out from the cache, saving us two queries. The rest of the guild will have to be pulled out from the armory since we flushed the cache at the beginning of the script.


  • proxy (scope: subsequent network operations; default "none,,0") can be used to specify a proxy. It will force the application to perform network operations (character and guilds importations, and items and spells queries) through this proxy.The syntax is proxy=type,host,port.
    1. type: only "http" is supported for now.
    2. host is either an url ("" for example) on an IP address.
    3. port is the port to use (80 is the default port for http requests but your proxy may use another one).
 # Here is a regular use: the proxy is specified BEFORE the character importation.

 # In this second example, the proxy is specified after the character importation: the first armory request (and necessary item queries) won't go through the proxy.

Items importation sources

See Equipment#Items_data_importation.

Advanced options

Options you should probably not mess up with.

Aura delay

  • aura_delay (scope: global; default: 0.15) is the delay, in seconds, the Blizzard servers need to process aura applications: it is the timespan between the action triggering an aura application and the actual application. It has nothing to do with latency, it is only related to the intricacies of Blizzard's code and their servers' performances. It is used through a normal distribution with a 25% standard deviation (see Wikipedia - Normal distribution). This setting affects the following spells: druids' eclipse procs, mages' ignites and warrior's deep wounds. For ignite and deep wounds, see also MunchingAndRolling.

Timing wheel

Simulationcraft divides the time into very short slices, which are sequentially processed. By default, we use 32 slices per second (every one of them has a 31ms duration). The consequence is that all events within the same slice will occur at the end of the time slice rather than their original time: they are slightly delayed. Internally, the application uses a "wheel": old slices are reused for future slices.

  • wheel_granularity (scope: global; default: 32) is the number of slices per second to use. Values lesser than or equal to zero will be defaulted to 32.
  • wheel_seconds (scope: global; default: 1024) is the total length, in seconds, of the time wheel. It should be large enough for the longest, non-infinite, buffs or debuffs. Values below 600s will be defaulted to 1024s.

For performances reasons, the total wheel time size will be rounded up to the closest superior power of 2.

Resources regeneration frequency

  • regen_periodicity (scope: global; default: 0.25) is the timespan, in seconds, between two regen ticks. Changing this setting does NOT change the regeneration speed, just how choppy or smoothy it is. Lower values tend to produce many unnecessary events, slowing down the computations. Only mana, focus and energy are affected by this setting.

Error Confidence

  • confidence (scope: global; default: 0.95) is the level of confidence for which the true dps lies within the error interval. For example with confidence=0.97, dps=10'000 and error=20, the true dps lies between 9'980 and 10'020 with 97% probability.