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Compiling Whisper

Preparing Target Programs

Running Whisper

Debugging RISCV Programs Using Gdb and Whisper

Configuring Whisper

Memory Consistency Checks

Enabling Code Coverage

Python Support


Running riscv-arch-test Tests with RISCOF

Whisper is a RISCV instruction set simulator (ISS) initially developed for the verification of the Swerv micro-controller. It allows the user to run RISCV code without RISCV hardware. It has an interactive mode where the user can single step the target RISCV code and inspect/modify the RISCV registers or the simulated system memory. It can also run in lock step with a Verilog simulator serving as a "golden model" against which an implementation is checked after each instruction of a test program.

To use Whisper, you would need to download its source code, compile it, prepare some target test program, compile the test program to RISCV binary code and then run the RISCV binary within the Whisper simulator. In particular you would need:

  1. A Linux machine to host the RISCV tool-chain and Whisper.

  2. The RISCV tool-chain which contains a cross-compiler to compile C/C++ code to RISCV binary. This can be installed on most Linux distributions using your distros package manager (apt, dnf, pacman etc.). Otherwise it can be built from the upstream source code.


    $ sudo apt install gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf


    $ sudo pacman -Syu riscv64-elf-gcc
  3. The Whisper source code which can be downloaded from github.

  4. The g++ compiler version 11 or higher to compile Whisper. The g++ compiler can be installed from a Linux distribution. Alternatively, the source code can be downloaded from

  5. The boost library version 1.75 or higher compiled with c++-20. Boost source can be downloaded from

On a Unix system, in the whisper directory, do the following:

    make BOOST_DIR=x 

where x is the path to your boost library installation.


There are various Makefile options that can be used.

  • SOFT_FLOAT=1 to use the soft-float library for RISCV floating point operations.
  • PCI=1 to build the PCI library.
  • TRACE_READER=1 to build the trace reader library.
  • MEM_CALLBACKS=1 to use the sparse memory model.
  • HINT_OPS=1 to enable HINT ops implemented within whisper.
  • FAST_SLOPPY=1 to enable faster (but not compliant) execution.
  • LZ4_COMPRESS=1 to enable loading LZ4 files.

Standalone C/assembly programs not requiring operating system support (such programs cannot do any I/O) should be compiled as follows:

    $ riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32imc -static -O3 -nostdlib -o test1 test1.c

The key switch in the above compilation command is "-nostdlib" which prevents the compiler from linking-in the standard C library.

Note that without the standard C library, there is no "_start" symbol. The linker will complain that the start symbol is missing and will use another symbol as the default start address of the program. The user can always override that start address (program counter at the beginning of the simulation) by using the --startpc command line option.

Also note that without an operating system, the simulator does not know when the program finishes. It will execute instructions indefinitely. Consider the following test program:

    main(int argc, char* argv[])
      int x = 1;
      int y = 2;
      int z = x + y;
      return z;

The simulator will start execution at the ELF file entry point (address corresponding to main) and will return to address 0 (initial value of return address register) when the instruction corresponding to "return z" is executed. This will most likely cause an illegal instruction exception and given that no trap handlers are loaded into the memory, it will cause an infinite loop of illegal traps. To avoid this, simple stand-alone no-operating-system programs should define a global 32-bit integer named "tohost" and should write to that location at the end of the program. This signals the simulator to terminate the program.

Here's a modified version of the above program that stops once main is done:

    #include <stdint.h>

    volatile uint32_t tohost = 0;
    main(int argc, char* argv[])
      int x = 1;
      int y = 2;
      int z = x + y;
      return z;
    void _start()
      main(0, 0);
      tohost = 1;

And here's how to compile and run the above program

    $ riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32imc -nostdlib -g -o test2 test2.c
    $ whisper test2

If no global variable named "tohost" is written by the program, the simulator will stop on its own if a sequence of 8 consecutive illegal instructions is encountered.

If the above program is compiled for RV64, it will crash with 8 consecutive illegal instructions. The reason is that the generated code will attempt to push data on the stack and the default stack pointer value is 0. Pushing on the stack will make the stack pointer a very large number that exceeds memory size (default is 4GB) which will trigger an access fault and, without an exception handler, will result in a cascade of illegal instruction exceptions. To fix that, run the RV64 version of the test2 binary under whisper with "--setreg sp=0xf0000000" which initializes the stack pointer to an address within the default memory address range:

    $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -mabi=lp64 -march=rv64imc -nostdlib -g -o test2 test2.c
    $ whisper test2   # this will crash
    $ whisper test2  --setreg sp=0xf0000000   # this will run

For programs requiring minimal operating system support (e.g. brk, open, read and write) the user can compile with the newlib C library and use the simulator with the "--newlib" option.

Here's a sample program:

    #include <stdio.h>

    main(int argc, char* argv[])
       printf("hello world\n");
       return 0;

And here's how to compile and run it (assuming riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc was compiled with newlib):

    $ riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32imc -static -O3 -o test3 test3.c
    $ whisper --newlib test3

Note that in this case the simulator will intercept the exit system call invoked by the C library code and terminate the program accordingly. There is no need for the "tohost" mechanism.

Running whisper with -h or --help will print a brief description of all the command line options. To run a RISCV program, prog, in whisper, one would issue the Linux command:

    whisper prog

which will run the program until it writes to the "tohost" location.

A program compiled with the newlib C library need not have a "tohost" location. Such a program will run until it calls exit. Such a program would be run as follows:

    whisper --newlib prog

Command Line Options

The following is a brief description of the command line options:

   Produce help message.

   Enable tracing to standard output of executed instructions.

--xlen len
   Specify register width (32 or 64), defaults to 32.

--isa string
   Select the RISCV extensions to enable. The currently supported options are
   a (atomic), c (compressed instructions), d (double precision fp),
   f (single precision fp), i (base integer), m (multiply divide),
   s (supervisor mode), u (user mode), and v). By default, only i, m and
   c are enabled. Canonical ISA strings with versioned extension are supported.
   Examples: --isa imacf, --isa rv32i2p0_m2p0_f2p0_v1p0_zfh0p1

--target program
   Specify target program (ELF file) to load into simulated memory. In newlib
   emulations mode, program options may follow program name.

--hex file
   Hexadecimal file to load into simulator memory.

--logfile file
   Enable tracing to given file of executed instructions.

   Use CSV (comma separated values) format for the trace log file produced
   by the --logfile option. The first output line contains the headers of
   the columns in the rest of the log file. Each executed instruction results
   in a row that includes the PC, opcode, changed registers,
   changed memory locations, ... Fields are separated by commas. Multiple
   values within a field are separated by semicolons.

--consoleoutfile file
   Redirect console output to given file.

--commandlog file
   Enable logging of interactive/socket commands to the given file.

--startpc address
   Set program entry point to the given address (in hex notation with a 0x prefix).
   If not specified, use the ELF file entry point.

--endpc address
   Set stop program counter to the given address (in hex notation with a 0x 
   prefix). Simulator will stop once instruction at the stop program counter
   is executed. If not specified, use the ELF file _finish symbol.

--tohost address
   Memory address to which a write stops the simulator (in hex with 0x prefix).

--consoleio address
   Memory address corresponding to console io (in hex with 0x prefix).
   Reading/writing a byte (using lb/sb instruction) from given address
   reads/writes a byte from the console.

--maxinst limit
   Limit executed instruction count to given number.

   After loading any target file into memory, the simulator enters interactive

   Enable debug triggers (triggers are automatically enabled in interactive and
   server modes).

   Enable performance counters.

   Run in gdb mode enabling remote debugging from gdb.

--profileinst file
   Report executed instruction frequencies to the given file.

--setreg spec ...
   Initialize registers. Example --setreg x1=4 x2=0xff

--configfile file
   Configuration file (JSON file defining system features).

--snapshotdir path
   Directory prefix for saving snapshots: Snapshots (see --sanpshotpreid)
   are placed in sub-directories of the given path. Default: "snapshot".

--snapshotperiod n
   Snapshot period: Save a snapshot every n instructions putting data in
   directory specified by --snapshotdir.

--loadfrom path
   Snapshot directory from which to restore a previously saved (snapshot)

   Emulate limited emulation of newlib system calls. Done automatically 
   if newlib symbols are detected in the target ELF file.

   Emulate limited emulation of Linux system calls. Done automatically 
   if Linux symbols are detected in the target ELF file.

   Bare metal mode: Disable emulation of Linux/newlib system call emulation
   even if Linux/newlib symbols detected in the target ELF file.

--stdout path
   Redirect the standard output of the newlib/Linux target program to the
   file specified by the given path.

--stderr path
   Redirect the standard error of the newlib/Linux target program to the
   file specified by the given path.

--alarm period
   External interrupt period in micro-seconds: Convert period to an instruction
   count, n, assuming a 1ghz clock, and set to 1 the timer bit of the MIP
   CSR every n instructions. The timer bit of MIP is automatically cleared if
   the interrupt is actually taken (interrupts enabled in MSTATUS and timer
   bit set in MIE CSR). No-op if n is zero.

   Use ABI register names (e.g. sp instead of x2) in instruction disassembly.

   Produce additional messages.

   Print version.

Interactive Mode

Whisper is started in interactive mode using the "--interactive" command line option. Here's are some examples:

    $ whisper --interactive
    $ whisper --interactive test1

In the second example, the program test1 is first loaded into the simulated memory. In interactive mode the user can issue commands to control the execution of the target program and to set/examine the registers and memory location of the simulated system. The help command will produce a list of all available interactive commands. The "help x" command will produce information about command x.

Here's the output of the "help" command:

The arguments hart=<id> and.or time=<tine> may be used with any command
to select a hart and specify event time (relevant to memory model)
They persist until explicitly changed.

help [<command>]
  Print help for given command or for all commands if no command given.

  Run till interrupted.

until <address>
  Run until address or interrupted.

step [<n>]
  Execute n instructions (1 if n is missing).

peek <res> <addr>
  Print value of resource res (one of r, f, c, v, m) and address addr.
  For memory (m) up to 2 addresses may be provided to define a range
  of memory locations to be printed; also, an optional file name after
  the two addresses writes the command output to that file.
  examples: peek r x1   peek c mtval   peek m 0x4096
            peek m 0x10 0x40 out

peek pc
  Print value of the program counter.

peek all
  Print value of all non-memory resources

poke res addr value
  Set value of resource res (one of r, c or m) and address addr
  Examples: poke r x1 0xff  poke c 0x4096 0xabcd

disass opcode <code> <code> ...
  Disassemble opcodes. Example: disass opcode 0x3b 0x8082

disass function <name>
  Disassemble function with given name. Example: disas func main

disass <addr1> <addr2>>
  Disassemble memory locations between addr1 and addr2.

elf file
  Load elf file into simulated memory.

hex file
  Load hex file into simulated memory.

replay_file file
  Open command file for replay.

replay n
  Execute the next n commands in the replay file or all the
  remaining commands if n is missing.

replay step n
  Execute consecutive commands from the replay file until n
  step commands are executed or the file is exhausted

reset [<reset_pc>]
  Reset hart.  If reset_pc is given, then change the reset program
  counter to the given reset_pc before resetting the hart.

  List all the symbols in the loaded ELF file(s).

  Print the entries of the address translation table.

nmi [<cause-number>]
  Post a non-maskable interrupt with a given cause number (default 0).

mread tag addr size data i|e
  Perform a memory model (out of order) read for load/amo instruction with
  given tag. Data is the RTL data to be compared with whisper data
  when instruction is later retired. The whisper data is obtained
  forwarding from preceding instructions if 'i' is present; otherwise,
  it is obtained from memory.

mbwrite addr data
  Perform a memory model merge-buffer-write for given address. Given
  data (hexadecimal string) is from a different model (RTL) and is compared
  to whisper data. Addr should be a multiple of cache-line size. If hex
  string is smaller than twice the cache-line size, it will be padded with
  zeros on the most significant side.

mbbypass tag addr size data
  Perform a memory write operation bypassing the merge buffer. Given
  data (hexadecimal string) is from a different model (RTL) and is compared
  to whisper data.

pmp [<address>]
  Print the pmp map (all) or for a matching address

pma [<address>]
  Print the pma map (all) or for a matching address

translate <va> [<permission> [<privilege>]]
  Translate given virtual address <va> to a physical address assuming given
  permission (defaults to read) and privilege mode (defaults to user)
  Allowed permission: r for read, w for write, or x for execute.
  Allowed privilege: u to user or s for supervisor

  Terminate the simulator

Newlib Emulation

Whisper will emulate the newlib open, close, read, write, brk and exit system calls. This allows simple programs to run and use the newlib C-library functions such as printf, fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose, malloc, free and exit. Here an example of running a program with limited C-library support:

    $ whisper --newlib test3

And here is an example of passing the command line arguments arg1 and arg2 to the to the target program test3:

    $ whisper --newlib "test3 arg1 arg2"

And examples of passing command line switches to a target program that requires them:

    $ whisper --newlib "test4 -opt1 val1 -opt2"
    $ whisper --newlib --target "test4 -opt1 val1 -opt2"

With the --gdb option, whisper will follow the gdb remote debugging protocol. This allows the user to debug a RISCV program using a cross-compiled gdb and whisper. For example, to debug a RISCV program named xyz on a Linux x86 machine, we would start the (cross-compiled) RISCV gdb as follows:

    $ riscv-unknown-elf-gdb xyz

at the gdb prompt, we would connect to whisper by issuing a "target remote" gdb command as follows:

    target remote | whisper --gdb xyz

A JSON configuration file may be specified on the command line using the --configfile switch. Numeric parameters may be specified as integers or as strings. For example, a core count of 4 may be specified as:

  "cores" : 4


  "cores" : "4"

If expressed as a string, a numeric value may be prefixed with 0x to specify hexadecimal notation (JSON does not support hexadecimal notation for integers).

The value of a Boolean parameters may be specified as an integer with 0 indicating false and non-zero indicating true. Alternatively it may be specified using the strings "false", "False", "true", or "True".

Command line options override settings in the configuration file.

C++ style comments are ignored when the file is parsed.

Here is a sample configuration file:

        "isa" : "rv32imafd_zfh_zba_zbb_zbc_sbs",
        "abi_names" : "true",
        "csr" : {
            "misa" : {
                "reset-comment" : "imabfv",
                "reset" : "0x40201123",
                "mask-comment" : "Misa is not writable by CSR instructions",
                "mask" : "0x0"
             "mstatus" : {
                "mstatus-comment" : "Hardwired to zero except for FS, VS, and SD.",
                "reset" : "0x80006600",
                "mask" : "0x0",
                "poke_mask" : "0x0"

A schema for the JSON config file is located in the configuration folder. It can be used for code completion and validation by adding the following to a config file:

"$schema": "<path to this repository>/configuration/config_schema.json",

Configuration parameters


Number of cores in simulated system.


Integer register size in bits.


Enable instruction set architecture (isa) features. Example:

   "isa" : "rv32imaf"


Object defining memory organization. Fields of memmap:

  • size: Field defining physical memory size
  • page_size: Field defining page size
  • pma: Array of entries defining physical memory attributes. Each entry is an object with a "low" and "high" addresses and an "attribs" array defining the physical memory attributes.


    "memmap" : { "size" : "0x100000000", "page_size" : 4096,
        "pma" : [
                "low" : "0x80000000",  "high" : "0x801fffff",
                "attribs" : [ "read", "write", "exec", "amo", "rsrv", "idempotent" ]
                "low" : "0x0",  "high" : "0xffffffff",
                "attribs" : [ "read", "write", "amo", "rsrv", "idempotent" ]


Number of implemented performance counters. If specified number is n, then CSRs (counters) mhpmcounter3 to mhpmcounter3+n-1 are implemented and the remaining counters are hardwired to zero. Same for the mhpmevent CSRs.


Whisper will count events associated with performance counters when this is set to true. Note that pipeline specific events (such as mis-predicted branches) are not supported. Synchronous events (such as count retired load instructions) are supported.


If set to true then registers are identified by their ABI names in the log file (e.g. ra instead of x1).


If set to true then page table walk information is emitted to the log file.


Defines the size of a lr.w/lr.d reservation (default is 4 for RV32 and 8 for RV64).


If set to false then a misaligned data access by a load/store instructions will trigger an exception.


When true, makes misaligned data exceptions have priority over page and access fault exceptions. Default is true.


When true, makes first access to a page table entry trigger a page fault. Default is true.


Defines the number of translation look-aside buffer entries. Default is 32.


When true (default), makes the mret/sret instruction clear the mprv bit in the mstatus/status CSR.


When true, causes the illegal instruction exception to clear the mtval CSR. Default is false.


When true (default), causes reservations to be canceled on traps.


Defines the address of the entry point of the debug mode park look. Whisper will jump to this address upon entering debug mode if this address is not an all ones bit pattern. Default: all ones bit pattern.


Defines the address of the debug mode exception handler. Whisper will jump to this address upon encountering an exception in debug mode if this address is not an all ones bit pattern. Default: all ones bit pattern.


Defines the G value of the physical memory protection grain. This is the log base 2 of the grain minus 2. The default is G=0 (implying a grain of 4).


Defines the maximum number of guest external interrupt count (GEILEN). Default is zero.


The CSR configuration is a map where each key is a CSR name and the corresponding value is an object with the following fields: "number", "reset", "mask", "poke_mask", "exists", and "shared". Set "exists" to "false" to mark a non implemented CSR (read/write instructions to such a CSR will trigger illegal instruction exception). Set "mask" to the write mask of the CSR (zero bits correspond to bits that will be preserved by write instructions). Set "reset" to reset value of the CSR. Set "shared" to "true" for CSRs that are shared between harts. The "number" fields should be used to define the number (address) of a non-standard CSR. The poke_mask should be used for the rare cases where poke operation may modify some bits that are not modifiable by CSR write instructions.

For CSRs with shared base name and different integer suffixes (e.g. pmpaddr0, pmpaddr1, ...), the configurations may be defined for each CSR or a common configuration may be defined with a range attribute. Example:

     "csr" : {
         "pmpaddr0" : { "mask" : "0xffffffff" },
         "pmpaddr" : { "exists" : "false",  "range" : [1 , 63] }


The vector configuration is an object with the following fields:

  • bytes_per_vec: vector size in bytes.
  • min_bytes_per_elem: narrowest supported element size in bytes (default 1).
  • max_bytes_per_elem: widest supported element size in bytes (no default).
  • min_bytes_per_lmul: map of lmul to min-element-width-in bytes (default: no min).
  • min_bytes_per_lmul: map of lmul to max-element-width-in bytes (default: no max).
  • mask_agnostic_policy: "ones" or "undisturb" to set behavior of mask-anostic instructions, default is "ones".
  • tail_agnostic_policy: "ones" or "undisturb" to set behavior of tail-anostic instructions, default is "ones".
  • trap_non_zero_vstart: causes vector instruction to trap on non-zero vstart, default is true.
  • update_whole_mask: when true, compute all the elements of the destination mask register for mask-logical and mask-manipulation instructions regardless of VL.
  • trap_invalid_vtype: when true, trap on invalid/unsupported vtype configurations, when false set vtype.vill instead.
  • legalize_vsetvl_avl: when true, legalize VL to VLMAX if it would be greater than VLMAX after a vsetvl instruction.
  • legalize_vsetvli_avl: when true, legalize VL to VLMAX if it would be greater than VLMAX after a vsetvli instruction.
  • tt_fp_usum_tree_reduction: for each EEW, enables Tenstorrent tree reduction-style vfredusum/vfwredusum, default is false.
  • fp_usum_nan_canonicalize: for each EEW, enables NaN canonicalization of vfredusum/vfwredusum result, default is false.
  • partial_segment_update: partially commit the fields of a load/store segment encountering an exception/trigger-hit at a given index when true and commit no field in the case of an exception when false, default is false.


    "vector" : {
       "bytes_per_vec" : 16,
       "max_bytes_per_elem" : 8,
       "tail_agnositic_policy" : "undisturb",
       "mask_agnositic_policy" : "ones",
       "min_bytes_per_lmul" : { "m2" : 2, "m4" : 2 },
       "max_bytes_per_lmul" : { "mf8" : 4 },
       "tt_fp_usum_tree_reduction" : [ "e16", "e32", "e64" ]


The advanced core local interrupt controller (aclint) configuration is an object with the following fields:

  • base: base address of the memory area associated with the ACLINT.
  • sw_offset: offset to software interrupt region within the ACLINT area).
  • timer_offset: offset to timer within the ACLINT area.
  • time_offset: offset to time-compare region within the ACLINT area).
  • software_interrupt_on_reset: when set to true, write to software interrupt of core 0 on reset.
  • deliver_interrupts: when set to true, deliver ACLNT interrupts. This supports the test-bench which may decode to deliver ACLINT interrupts by poking the MIP CSR, in which case deliver_interrupts should be set to false.


Defines the program counter (PC) value after reset. The ELF file entry point will supersede the reset_vec value unless --raw is used. The value of the --startpc option will supersede both the reset_vec and the ELF file entry point. In interactive mode, a reset command will change the program counter to the value of reset_vec.


Defines the address of the handler of non-maskable interrupts.


Defines the address of the handler of exceptions encountered while handling non-maskable interrupts.


When false, the PC after an NMI will be base value defined by nmi_vec. When true, the PC will be the base plus 4 times the NMI cause. Default value is false.

Similarly, when false, then after an exception while in the NMI interrupt handler, the PC will be the base value defined by nmi_exception_vec. When true, the PC will be the base plus 4 times the exception cause.


Enable support for debug triggers when set to true.


When set to true, the MTE field of the TCONTROL CSR controls the firing of triggers in machine mode. When set to false, the triggers fire in machine mode only if MSTATUS.MIE is zero.


When true, the lr/sc instructions will be counted as load/store by the performance counters.

trigger registers

Each trigger register is associated with up to 4 components tdata1, tdata2, tdata3, and tinfo. Here's an example of how to configure the reset values and masks of these components in a system with 2 trigger registers (the mask and reset values are made up):

     "triggers" : [
	    "reset"    : [0, 0, 0, "0x1008040"],
	    "mask"     : ["0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", 0],
	    "poke_mask": ["0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", 0]
	    "reset"    : [0, 0, 0, "0x1008040"],
	    "mask"     : ["0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", 0],
	    "poke_mask": ["0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", "0xffffffff", 0]


Enable matching on all possible addresses in a load/store access [address, address+size-1].


Enable matching on all possible addresses in a instruction fetch access [address, address+size-1].


Enable icount to decrement count on an instruction which writes to an icount trigger.


Define the supported trigger types (type field in tdata1). Example:

     "trigger_types" : [ "none", "disabled", "mcontrol6" ]

The types "none" and "disabled" must not be excluded from "trigger_types". Possible values that can be included with in "trigger_types" are:

   "none", "mcontrol", "icount", "itrigger", "etriger", "mcontrol6",
   "tmexttriger", and "disabled"


Define the number of maximum bits that the NAPOT mask can support. The maximum possible value of this number is 63 for an RV64 configuration.


When true, the floating point load/store instructions will be counted as load/store by the performance counters.


The static trusted execution environment (STEE) configuration is an object with the following fields:

  • zero_mask: if bit i is set in the zero_mask value, then bit i must be zero in every load/store address; otherwise, the address will be invalid and will result in an access-fault exception.
  • secure_mask: if bit i is set in the secure_mask value, then bit i must be one in a load/sore address in order for that address to be considered secure.
  • secure_region: insecure access to this region has no effect, loads will return zero, and stores are ignored. The region bounds should not have the secure bits set. The secure bits of an address are cleared before checking against the secure region.


    "stee" : {
      "zero_mask" :     "0xff70000000000000",
      "secure_mask":    "0x0080000000000000",
      "secure_region": ["0x0001000000000000", "0x0002000000000000"]

When run in server or interactive modes, Whisper will check the RISCV weak memory ordering rules also known as preserved program order (PPO) rules. This feature is enabled by setting the "enable_memory_consistency" to "true" in the configuration file or by using "--mcm" on the command line. Detailed information about the PPO rules can be found in chapter 17 of the the RISCV unprivileged specs.

By default, we check the ordering rules of the weak memory ordering model (RVWMO). If the enable_tso configuration tag is set to true, we check the re-ordering rules of the total-store-order memory model.

Whisper expects to be notified about read and write operations and it expects such operations to be associated with time stamps. Each memory instruction (load/store/amo) is associated with one or more memory read/write operation. A memory operation may occur before/after the corresponding instruction is retired. Memory operations from two different instructions may occur in a global memory order that is different than the program order of those instructions.

A read operation has an instruction tag, an address, a size, a data value, and an indication of whether or not the data was forwarded from inside the core (internal) or it came from the memory system (external). The interactive command for a read operation has the form:

   time=<time-stamp> hart=<id>  mread <tag> <addr> <size> <data> <ie>

A merge buffer insert has an instruction tag, an address, a size, and data value. The operation signifies a transfer of the data to the store buffer. The interactive command for a merge buffer insert has the form:

   time=<time-stamp> hart=<id> mbinsert <tag> <addr> <size> <data>

A merge buffer write implies the transfer of data from the merge buffer to the external memory. This is when the write operations accumulated in the merge buffer become visible to the global memory system. The interactive command for a merge buffer write is:

   time=<time-stamp> hart=<id> mbwrite <addr> <data>

Similarly, we provide server mode commands that allows a client (typically test bench code running in a Verilog simulator) to provide whisper information about the time, hart-id, size, instruction tag and data of read/write operations associated with load/store/amo instructions. We use such information to check the preserved program order (ppo) rules of RISCV.

C++ code coverage for Whisper can be configured and collected on Linux with minimal effort using gcov and lcov.

To enable and collect C++ code coverage:

  1. Pass the --coverage flag to the compiler and linker. Note: coverage should be enabled with optimization disabled to get the most accurate line information.
    • When compiling using the Makefile, invoke make with OFLAGS="-g -O0 --coverage". If done successfully, a .gcno file should exist in the build folder beside the .d and .o file for each source file included in the build.
    • When compile using bazel, invoke bazel build with --compilation_mode dbg --collect_code_coverage --instrumentation_filter=rvcore,whisper. If done successfully, a .gcno file should exist in the bazel-bin/_objs folder (or sub-folder for the target) beside the .d and .o file for each source file included in the build.
  2. Run a test or set of tests that invokes the whisper executable created in step 1. Coverage information will be aggregated across invocations into a .gcda file for each source file in the build. These .gcda files should be created beside the .gcno file but may be put in a different place depending on the working directory. Running tests from the repository root should prevent this issue, but some testing tools (e.g. riscof) run tests in their own working directory. The output directory of these .gcda files can be controlled using the GCOV_PREFIX and GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP environment variables, so set these values if necessary so that the .gcda file is created next to the .gcno file (for example, running riscof with a local bazel build likely requires GCOV_PREFIX=[Whisper repo root absolute path] and GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=3).
  3. Use lcov to aggregate the coverage information from the .gcda files into a single coverage report. Invoke lcov with --output-file [report name; for example, _coverage_report.dat] --directory [path to directory containing .gcno and .gcda files] --base-directory [Whisper repo root absolute path] --capture --no-external. If done correctly, a file with the name passed to lcov in the --output-file parameter will be created and should not be empty.
  4. (optional) Generate an html report using genhtml. genhtml should be invoked using -o [collateral output directory] [coverage report file from step 3]. The index.html page in the output directory can then be opened using a web browser.

Note that for any test defined using bazel and run with bazel test, steps 2 and 3 will be handled automatically by bazel, and the final coverage report should exist inside bazel-out/_coverage.

There is basic support for python bindings with pybind11 and its corresponding Bazel support. The shared library can be built with make all.


    import whisper

    s = whisper.system.System64("config.json")
    h = s.harts()[0]

The hart registers are exposed as class attributes and implement step/run functionality.

It is not possible to change XLEN at run time by writing to the MISA register.

The "round to nearest break tie to max magnitude" rounding mode is not implemented unless you compile with the softfloat library:

   make SOFT_FLOAT=1

in which case simulation of floating point instructions slows down significantly.


riscv-arch-test is a repository containing RISC-V compliance tests, and RISCOF is a tool that simplifies building and running these tests against a known reference model (Sail and/or Spike).

Whisper includes the functionality necessary to run these tests and a plugin used to run and score the tests with RISCOF. To run a test or set of tests with RISCOF:

  1. Install RISCOF via pip. For more information, see the RISCOF docs.
  2. Clone the riscv-arch-test repository. Note that this can also be achieved using riscof arch-test --clone (riscof provides functionality to specify the clone directory and to update an existing checkout; use riscof arch-test --help for more info).
  3. Create RISCOF's config.ini file by running riscof setup --dutname whisper. It defaults to using Sail as the reference model; append --refname spike to the command to use Spike.
  4. Update the DUTPluginPath in the RISCOF section in the config.ini file to the arch_test_target folder from this repository. Likewise, set the pluginpath, ispec, and pspec paths to the appropriate locations within the arch_test_target folder. Note that whisper_isa32.yaml is to be used when running an RV32 architecture; whisper_isa.yaml is for RV64. RISCOF does not appear to have the ability to configure both architectures in a single file and dynamically switch based on the test.
  5. (Optional) set the jobs field in the whisper and <Ref> sections to a number larger than 1 to allow running tests in parallel.
  6. Update sail_cSim/ and/or spike/ as necessary based on desired usage. Some modifications may include:
    • Replace the dynamic switching of 32 vs 64 based on ISA when running gcc and objdump to just 64 if your toolchain is compiled for multilib.
    • Disable logging to file and creating dis-assembly files. Some tests (particularly some floating point tests) are very large, so generating dis-assembly and log files for these tests is very time consuming and can consume large amounts of space. These files are unused for scoring, so they can safely be disabled if just scoring tests.
    • Ensure extensions for all desired tests are included in the architecture string passed to the compile command and/or executable invocations.
  7. Build Whisper and the reference model simulator. See the Sail or Spike documentation on how to do so.
  8. Ensure the paths to the RISC-V toolchain (i.e. gcc and objdump), the reference model executable, and whisper executable are in the PATH environment variable. All need to be able to be invoked without a path.
  9. Run the desired test suite using riscof run. The --suite parameter should be provided with the riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite directory (or a sub-directory) from the clone from step 2 above, and the --env folder should be provided with the riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/env folder.
    • By default, the run command will produce an HTML report containing information about which tests passed and failed and will attempt to open this report in the browser once all tests have completed. If this behavior is undesirable (e.g. running on a headless node or as part of CI), provide the --no-browser argument.


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  • C++ 99.3%
  • Other 0.7%