With our specifications for Partial_Sum and Adjacent_Difference, we can easily show that calling them one after the other in the following way:
Partial_Sum (A, B);
Adjacent_Difference (B, A);
Adjacent_Difference (A, B);
Partial_Sum (B, A);
will leave A
unchanged. But as we have proved these functions
with SPARK, we can also prove these properties with SPARK.
We will first show that we can invert Partial_Sum
. In order to prove this, we write a
procedure with a unique postcondition, being that our input array
is left unmodified, and that should only call Partial_Sum
in its implementation. Its signature is:
Partial_Sum_Inv (A, B : in out T_Arr);
can be specified in the following way:
procedure Partial_Sum_Inv (A, B : in out T_Arr) with
Pre => A'Length = B'Length
and then (for all J in A'Range => Acc_Def (A, A'First, J, 0).OK),
Post => A = A'Old;
The preconditions are the same than the preconditions of
Partial_Sum. The postcondition expresses the fact that A
remain unchanged.
Our implementation of Partial_Sum_Inv
is the following:
procedure Partial_Sum_Inv (A, B : in out T_Arr) is
Init : T_Arr := A with
Ghost; -- not used anywhere, but somehow helps prove the loop invariants.
if A'Length = 0 then
end if;
Partial_Sum (A, B);
pragma Assert (A (A'First) = B (B'First));
if A'Length > 1 then
pragma Assert
(for all J in B'First + 1 .. B'Last =>
B (J) = B (J - 1) + A (A'First + (J - B'First)));
pragma Assert
(for all J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last =>
A (J) =
B (B'First + (J - A'First)) - B (B'First + (J - 1 - A'First)));
end if;
Adjacent_Difference (B, A);
end Partial_Sum_Inv;
We simply assert here that if the length of A
is greater or
equal to 1
(nothing needs to be proven otherwise) then after
calling Partial_Sum
the preconditions of Adjacent_Difference
are respected. We exhibit a relation between B (J)
and B (J -
, which then enables the solvers to prove the
precondition. The relation between the elements of B
in the
assertion also enables the solvers to prove that
does return A
to its original state.
The methodology is the same as the previous one.. The signature of the function representing the property is:
procedure Adjacent_Difference_Inv (A, B : in out T_Arr)
can be specified in the following way:
procedure Adjacent_Difference_Inv (A, B : in out T_Arr) with
Pre => A'Length = B'Length
and then
(for all J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last =>
Minus_No_Overflow (A (J), A (J - 1))),
Post => A = A'Old;
The preconditions are those of Adjacent_Difference
. The
postcondition once again ensures that A
remains unmodified.
The implementation of Adjacent_Difference_Inv
is the following:
procedure Adjacent_Difference_Inv (A, B : in out T_Arr) is
Tmp : T with
if A'Length = 0 then
end if;
Tmp := A (A'First);
Adjacent_Difference (A, B);
pragma Assert
(Acc_Def (B, B'First, B'First, 0).OK
and then Acc_Def (B, B'First, B'First, 0).Value = Tmp);
if A'Length > 1 then
for J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last loop
pragma Assert (B (J - A'First + B'First) = A (J) - Tmp);
Tmp := Tmp + B (J - A'First + B'First);
pragma Loop_Invariant (Tmp = A (J));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in A'First .. J =>
Acc_Def (B, B'First, K - A'First + B'First, 0).OK
and then
Acc_Def (B, B'First, K - A'First + B'First, 0).Value =
A (K));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in B'First .. J - A'First + B'First =>
Acc_Def (B, B'First, K, 0).OK);
end loop;
end if;
Partial_Sum (B, A);
end Adjacent_Difference_Inv;
There are more things to annotate in this function, because the
preconditions of Partial_Sum
are more constraining than the
ones of Adjacent difference
. In order to prove the
preconditions of Partial_Sum
, we use a ghost variable, Tmp
which computes the partial sums of B
inside the loop. As we can
annotate the loop with loop invariants, we can verify that in
each iteration that there is a relation between the elements of
, the elements of A
and Tmp
. This ensures that there is no
overflow when computing the next partial sum, and the relations
found help prove that A
will return to its initial state after
executing Partial_Sort(B,A)
There is one important thing that needs to be pointed out in this
code. The second loop invariant mathematically implies the third,
as the main difference is the range used for the quantified
variable K
. In the second loop_invariant K
ranges over
indexes of A
whereas in the third loop invariant K
over indexes of B
. Both are proved just fine, but if we only
keep the second loop invariant then the preconditions of
are not verified, and if we only keep the third
(and we add the relation between A
and Acc_Def(B ...)
), then
the postcondition is not verified.
This is due to a limitation of automatic solvers on arithmetic
with universally quantified assertions. If we look at the
preconditions of Partial_Sum we can see that the quantified
variable J
is in A'Range
and that we verify that Acc_Def (A,
A'First, J, 0).OK
holds. When trying to verify this
precondition, the solvers will range over the previous assertions
with a universally quantified variable to try to match the
precondition, but all the assertions in our invariants are in the
form of Acc_Def (B, B'First, J - A'First + B'First, 0)
, which
cannot be matched with the quantified variable. That is why
adding the third loop invariant, which seems to prove what was
already proven by the second loop invariant, is not
redundant. Proving the equality of the arrays has the same issue,
because proving that A = A'Old
is equivalent to proving that
for all J in A'Range => A(J) = A'Old(J)
, and ranging over the
indexes of B
would introduces the same issues if we only keep
the third invariant.
proves that this implementation is correct with
respect to the specification. We have therefore proved the
desired property.