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Tomas Restrepo edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 2 revisions


Viasfora supports basic Vim-style modelines in the many text file formats:

// vim: et:sw=8:ts=8

You can find more details about this feature in the corresponding issue.

Plain Text Completion

Viasfora supports plain-text based auto-completion. Works in plain-text documents based on the existing contents of the document. Also works in regular code files to supplement the language-provided completion services. For example, you can now have completion on C# strings:

Plain Text Completion

Version 1.9 includes additional settings for this feature, as well as support for using Ctrl+K, Ctrl+T to trigger completion. There are also multiple options that control how, and when this feature can be used.

Note: This feature is removed in v3.5.

Other Features

  • Auto-expand collapsible regions when opening a file, or disable outlining completely.
  • Bold as Italics: Render any classification item configured to use bold fonts using italics instead.
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