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Development Process

Richard Outten (mbp) edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 1 revision
  • All work should be done in a branch that corresponds to the sprint and github issue.
  • Sprint branches should be name after the sprint. For example, sprint-1 would be the first sprint branch.

Working on a feature

  1. Create a feature branch from the sprint branch your github issue is associated
$ git co -b 15_description_of_branch sprint-1

Branch format: {issue_number}_descriptive_name

  1. Add feature to the code
  2. Commit to branch and include the issue number in the commit message
  3. Push your branch to github often (good to have it backed up)
$ git push -u origin 15_description_of_branch
  1. When the code is ready to be merged into the sprint branch, open a pull request and reference the issue number (for example "#15" in the pull request message).
  2. Make sure the pull request is posted into the vivo-scholar slack channel for review.
  3. Developers are asked to review pending pull requests at the beginning or end of the day to minimize disruptions while working.
  4. A pull request may be merged when 1 or more committers have reviewed and approved the pull request based on the approval process on Github. The reviewer is the one responsible for merging. If it has been longer than 5 days, please ask on the vivo-scholar slack channel to have it reviewed.
  5. After the branch has been merged, the author (or person who merged the request) should close the Github issue.
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