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Full Function Reference

Frank Seide edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 76 revisions

This section provides information on BrainScript built-in functions.

The declarations of all built-in functions can be found in the located next to the CNTK binary.

The primitive operations and layers are declared in the global namespace. Additional operations are declared in namespaces, and will be given with the respective prefix (e.g. BS.RNN.LSTMP).


Layer building

Activation functions

Elementwise operations, unary

Elementwise operations, binary

Elementwise operations, ternary

Matrix product and convolution operations

  • Times(A, B, outputRank=1)
    A * B
  • TransposeTimes(A, B, outputRank=1)
  • Convolution(weights, x, kernelShape, mapDims=(0), stride=(1), sharing=(true), autoPadding=(true), lowerPadding=(0), upperPadding=(0), imageLayout='CHW', maxTempMemSizeInSamples=0)
  • Pooling(x, poolKind/*'max'|'average'*/, kernelShape, stride=(1), autoPadding=(true), lowerPadding=(0), upperPadding=(0), imageLayout='CHW')

Learnable parameters and constants

  • ParameterTensor {shape, learningRateMultiplier=1.0, init='uniform'/*|gaussian*/, initValueScale=1.0, initValue=0.0, randomSeed=-1, initFromFilePath=''}
  • Constant {scalarValue, rows = 1, cols = 1}
  • BS.Constants.Zero, BS.Constants.One
    BS.Constants.True, BS.Constants.False, BS.Constants.None
  • BS.Constants.OnesTensor (shape)
  • BS.Constants.ZeroSequenceLike (x)


  • Input (shape, dynamicAxis='', sparse=false, tag='feature')
  • DynamicAxis{}
  • EnvironmentInput (propertyName)
    Mean (x), InvStdDev (x)

Loss functions and metrics

  • CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (targetDistribution, nonNormalizedLogClassPosteriors)
    CrossEntropy (targetDistribution, classPosteriors)
  • Logistic (label, probability)
    [WeightedLogistic] (./Loss-Functions-and-Metrics#logistic-weightedlogistic)(label, probability, instanceWeight)
  • ClassificationError (labels, nonNormalizedLogClassPosteriors)
  • MatrixL1Reg(matrix)
  • MatrixL2Reg(matrix)
  • SquareError (x, y)


Training operations

  • BatchNormalization (input, scale, bias, runMean, runInvStdDev, spatial, normalizationTimeConstant = 0, blendTimeConstant = 0, epsilon = 0.00001, useCntkEngine = true, imageLayout='CHW')
  • Dropout (x)
  • Stabilize (x, enabled=true)
    StabilizeElements (x, inputDim=x.dim, enabled=true)
  • CosDistanceWithNegativeSamples (x, y, numShifts, numNegSamples)

Reshaping operations

  • CNTK2.Reshape (x, shape, beginAxis=0, endAxis=0)
    ReshapeDimension (x, axis, shape) = CNTK2.Reshape (x, shape, beginAxis=axis, endAxis=axis + 1)
    FlattenDimensions (x, axis, num) = CNTK2.Reshape (x, 0, beginAxis=axis, endAxis=axis + num)
    SplitDimension (x, axis, N) = ReshapeDimension (x, axis, 0:N)
  • Slice (beginIndex, endIndex, input, axis=1)
    BS.Sequences.First (x) = Slice (0, 1, x, axis=-1)
    BS.Sequences.Last (x) = Slice (-1, 0, x, axis=-1)
  • Splice (inputs, axis=1)
  • TransposeDimensions (x, axis1, axis2)
    Transpose (x) = TransposeDimensions (x, 1, 2)
  • BS.Sequences.BroadcastSequenceAs (type, data1)
  • BS.Sequences.Gather (where, x)
    BS.Sequences.Scatter (where, y)
    Where (cond)
    IsFirst (x)
    IsLast (x)


  • OptimizedRNNStack(weights, input, hiddenDims, numLayers=1, bidirectional=false, recurrentOp='lstm')
  • BS.Loop.Previous (x, timeStep=1, defaultHiddenActivation=0)
    PastValue (shape, x, defaultHiddenActivation=0.1, ...) = BS.Loop.Previous (0, shape, ...)
  • BS.Loop.Next (x, timeStep=1, defaultHiddenActivation=0)
    FutureValue (shape, x, defaultHiddenActivation=0.1, ...) = BS.Loop.Next (0, shape, ...)
  • LSTMP (outputDim, cellDim=outputDim, x, inputDim=x.shape, aux=BS.Constants.None, auxDim=aux.shape, prevState, enableSelfStabilization=false)
  • BS.Boolean.Toggle (clk, initialValue=BS.Constants.False)
  • BS.RNNs.RecurrentLSTMP (outputDim, cellDim=outputDim, x, inputDim=x.shape, previousHook=BS.RNNs.PreviousHC, augmentInputHook=NoAuxInputHook, augmentInputDim=0, layerIndex=0, enableSelfStabilization=false)
  • BS.RNNs.RecurrentLSTMPStack (layerShapes, cellDims=layerShapes, input, inputShape=input.shape, previousHook=PreviousHC, augmentInputHook=NoAuxInputHook, augmentInputShape=0, enableSelfStabilization=false)
  • BS.RNNs.RecurrentBirectionalLSTMPStack (layerShapes, cellDims=layerShapes, input, inputShape=input.dim, previousHook=PreviousHC, nextHook=NextHC, enableSelfStabilization=false)

Sequence-to-sequence support

  • BS.Seq2Seq.CreateAugmentWithFixedWindowAttentionHook (attentionDim, attentionSpan, decoderDynamicAxis, encoderOutput, enableSelfStabilization=false)
  • BS.Seq2Seq.GreedySequenceDecoderFrom (modelAsTrained)
  • BS.Seq2Seq.BeamSearchSequenceDecoderFrom (modelAsTrained, beamDepth)

Special-purpose operations

  • ClassBasedCrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labelClassDescriptorVectorSequence, mainInputInfo, mainWeight, classLogProbsBeforeSoftmax)

Model editing


  • Fail (what)
  • IsSameObject (a, b)
  • Trace (node, say='', logFrequency=traceFrequency, logFirst=10, logGradientToo=false, onlyUpToRow=100000000, onlyUpToT=100000000, format=[])


  • ErrorPrediction (labels, nonNormalizedLogClassPosteriors)
  • ColumnElementTimes (...) = ElementTimes (...)
  • DiagTimes (...) = ElementTimes (...)
  • LearnableParameter(...) = Parameter(...)
  • LookupTable (embeddingMatrix, inputTensor)
  • RowRepeat (input, numRepeats)
  • RowSlice (beginIndex, numRows, input) = Slice(beginIndex, beginIndex + numRows, input, axis = 1)
  • RowStack (inputs)
  • RowElementTimes (...) = ElementTimes (...)
  • Scale (...) = ElementTimes (...)
  • ConstantTensor (scalarVal, shape)
    Parameter (outputDim, inputDim, ...) = ParameterTensor ((outputDim:input), ...)
    WeightParam (outputDim, inputDim) = Parameter (outputDim, inputDim, init='uniform', initValueScale=1, initOnCPUOnly=true, randomSeed=1)
    DiagWeightParam (outputDim) = ParameterTensor ((outputDim), init='uniform', initValueScale=1, initOnCPUOnly=true, randomSeed=1)
    BiasParam (dim) = ParameterTensor ((dim), init='fixedValue', value=0.0)
    ScalarParam() = BiasParam (1)
  • SparseInput (shape, dynamicAxis='', tag='feature')
    ImageInput (imageWidth, imageHeight, imageChannels, imageLayout='CHW', dynamicAxis='', tag='feature')
    SparseImageInput (imageWidth, imageHeight, imageChannels, imageLayout='CHW', dynamicAxis='', tag='feature')
  • MeanVarNorm(feat) = PerDimMeanVarNormalization(feat, Mean (feat), InvStdDev (feat))
    PerDimMeanVarNormalization (x, mean, invStdDev),
    PerDimMeanVarDeNormalization (x, mean, invStdDev)
  • ReconcileDynamicAxis (dataInput, layoutInput)
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