- 🧾 I work at SumUp.com in Copenhagen as a VP of Engineering and Tribe Lead, for the Invoices tribe (more about the (awesome) product 🧾, and more about how we work and organize ourselves 🗺️)
- 🌱 I’m currently interested on how how to design an organization for high performance, while maximizing individual happines 🦄
- 💬 Ask me about 🧑💻 team leadership, 🕸 web development, 🌎 working in multi-cultural environments, 🗺️ digital transformation...
- 📫 How to reach me: linkedin (I write some articles here and there), @zetxek in threads (best for a quick message, I rarely log to
twitterX now), online (best for a longer message or check my CV). - 🙋♂️ Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm left handed 🤚
📃 You can find more information about me as a colleague/person or especifically as a manager in my Manager README.