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Konclan edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 16 revisions

Styles are an option in the BEE2 which allows you to change the appearance of your test chambers to match a certain part of the Portal series. There are currently 9 styles in the BEE2.


  • Clean - Clean chambers after GLaDOS has finished cleaning the facility.
  • Overgrown - Plant-filled chambers like at the beginning of Portal 2, before GLaDOS was reawakened.
  • Portal 1 - Portal 1 style. Looks like the first game.

Old Aperture Styles

  • 1950s - Aperture from the 1950s, like in the chapter The Fall in Portal 2.
  • 1960s - Aperture from the 1960s. This time period doesn't appear in Portal 2.
  • 1970s - Aperture from the 1970s, like in the chapter The Reunion in Portal 2.
  • 1980s - Aperture from the 1980s, like in the end of the chapter The Reunion in Portal 2


Main article: Stylevars and Itemvars

Stylevars, or Style Variables, are used to configure styles.



Style chooser window, stretched to show all styles.


Style options

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