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Review Review Station

Luís Manuel Maia edited this page Mar 24, 2020 · 1 revision

The Review Station aims primarily to confirm that the extracted information has the required quality/value. Thus, the set of values possible to extract from the document is presented to the user in a way it is visually possible to validate in terms of integrity and accuracy. The user can also decide the final destiny of the document, if relevant to the process.

In the Review Station, processes will be distributed by each of the operators that are available. Documents that where processed will show the captured information in the correspondent field boxes. Review Station can have custom plugins that will allow specific validations and field naming. Fields can be of the type text box, drop box or check box.



Review Station is used to validate values and document outputs, it is possible to remove a document and even, if configured, to re-process.

Select the workspace you want to review the documents, SmartDocumentor will automatically display documents that are ready for reviewing. It is possible to see documents that are ready to review in the top bar.


The fields can be navigated using tab key. When selecting a field from the form, if the field was already detected, the viewer will display a box around the detected area with the field name and the value to be sent to the task.

When completing the values in the form, it is possible to write the values directly on the form boxes or by selecting the text on the document image. Fields that will be sent to the learning API must be selected in the image so that the information of the position can be captured.

After review just press Process and the next document will be presented.