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Server Installation

Luís Manuel Maia edited this page Mar 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Install Setup

The first step is to install SmartDocumentor Setup. Please follow these steps:

  1. Run the setup "SmartDocumentor-VERSION.exe" as administrator and follow the wizard instructions


  1. If any of the prerequisites is missing, the setup will detect and ask to install them:
  • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2012

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015


  1. You must select all prerequisites and restart the computer if necessary.


  1. Check accept the terms and conditions. Click "Next"


  1. Choose the installation folder and click Next


  1. Choose the log folder and click Next


  1. Select all components


  1. Click Install.


  1. Click Close


Change the user running the windows service

If the Local System user has the necessary permissions, this step is not needed.

  1. Open Windows services.


  1. Search for "SmartDocumentor ProcessStation". Click Properties.


  1. Select "This Account", enter the user information and click "Ok".


Copy the customized configuration

Copy all custom files to the installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\DevScope\SmartDocumentor).

Configure the configuration path

  1. Open "SmartDocumentor ServiceConfig".

  1. Go to "Data Source" tab.

  2. On the "Data Location" paste the SmartDocumentor configuration path.

  1. Click "Ok"

License and Plafond

Extract the HDI to generate the license

This step if not necessary if you have an unlimited license.

  1. Open "SmartDocumentor ServiceConfig"

  2. Go to "License". Copy the HDI value.

  1. Send the information to DevScope at [email protected] so they can generate a new license.

Activate SmartDocumentor license

  1. Open "SmartDocumentor ServiceConfig"

  2. Go to Tab "License" and click License Info

  1. Select "Active using License File" and click "browse"

  1. Select the file and click "Active License"

Activate SmartDocumentor Plafond

  1. Open "SmartDocumentor ServiceConfig"

  2. Go to Tab "License" and click Plafond Info

  1. Click Browse, select the file and click "Active Plafond"

Alternatively, it's possible to get the plafond without the file.

  1. Open "SmartDocumentor ServiceConfig"

  2. Go to Tab "Others" insert the Account Data supplied by our team and click Get Plafond