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Workflow Settings
To SmartDocumentor the workflow is the set of folders and files under Workspaces folder plus the plugins and the workers that are set in the configuration. This may contain one or many workspaces with configurations, and if applicable a folder with the templates.
Next, we will explain the configurations, how they interact with SmartDocumentor and with the client's plugins. For each workspace, there is a workspace.config file.
1. <Workspace xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ID="Devscope_DemoInvoice">
2. <Name>Invoice Demo</Name>
3. <Description>Invoice Demo</Description>
4. <TaskStorage>DemoInvoice Tasks</TaskStorage>
5. <DocStorage>DemoInvoice Docs</DocStorage>
6. <LocalDocStorage>LocalDocs</LocalDocStorage>
7. <LocalTasksPath>LocalTasks</LocalTasksPath>
8. <TaskPromotedPropertyList />
9. <WorkstationConfigList>…</WorkstationConfigList>
43. <PipelineList>…</PipelineList>
266. <SettingList />
267. </Workspace>
In the upper example of a workspace.config file its possible to be seen a minimized version where the highlighted parts are the recommended to be changed for each client workspace. The other main regions are WorkstationConfigList and PipelineList.
In the WorkstationConfigList we configure ScanStation and ReviewStation proprieties. The ScanStation normally does not have the need to be changed.
10. <WorkstationConfigList>
11. <WorkstationConfig Target=" WorkstationConfigList ">
12. <CustomPropertyEditorList>
13. <CustomPropertyEditor Context="TaskEdit">
14. <Title>Default Properties</Title>
15. <Type>SmartDocumentor.Core.PropertyEditors.GenericScanPropertyEditor</Type>
16. <Tooltip>Generic Property Editor</Tooltip>
17. <PropertyList />
18. </CustomPropertyEditor>
19. </CustomPropertyEditorList>
20. <CustomComponent />
21. </WorkstationConfig>
22. <WorkstationConfig Target="ReviewStation">
23. <CustomPropertyEditorList>
24. <CustomPropertyEditor Context="TaskEdit">
25. <Title>Invoice Fields</Title>
26. <Assembly>SmartDocumentor.GenericPlugin.Demo</Assembly>
27. <Type>SmartDocumentor.GenericPlugin.Demo.ReviewPlugin.InvoiceDemoPlugin</Type>
28. <Tooltip>Invoice Fields</Tooltip>
29. <PropertyList>
30. <Property ID="ReviewActions" Value="Integrate Document|Process|Integrar documento no arquivo|1; Delete Document|Delete|Apagar documento|2" />
31. <Property ID="ReviewTemplates" Value="" />
32. <Property ID="WebApiUrl" Value=""/>
33. <Property ID="WebApiKey" Value="" />
34. <Property ID="WebApiSecret" Value="" />
35. </PropertyList>
36. </CustomPropertyEditor>
37. </CustomPropertyEditorList>
38. <CustomComponent />
39. </WorkstationConfig>
40. </WorkstationConfigList>
The fields highlighted correspond to the workspace's plugin. It is possible to add or remove actions from the ReviewActions, this attribute receives as parameters one or many button configurations with the structure: Text for the button | Pre-built Action | Tooltip |.Index .
ReviewTemplates is optional for a pre-default API template. WebApiUrl, WebApiKey and WebApiSecret are used to configure access to the SmartDocumentor API. Other custom properties may be added within CustomPropertyEditorList.
The PipelineList is a long set of steps that are explained better in the following sections.
To better understand the steps inside the pipeline list, it's better to start by referencing that each step corresponds to action inside one of SmartDocumentor' s workers. These steps can be global - in the client's central process, or local - in the client custom plugin.
In a simpler way, steps that include the tag "Workspace:" are global and all the others are local. The next sample, of the configuration, shows a possible pipeline where a document goes from, global state, ToIntegrate to either, local states, Integrate or Deleted and back to a global state.
177. <Step From="Workspace:ToIntegrate" Using="RouterWorker" To="Integrated">
178. <SettingList>
179. <Setting Name="route:Integrate" Value=""{$ReviewAction}"=="Integrate Document"" />
180. <Setting Name="route:Deleted" Value=""{$ReviewAction}"=="Delete Document"" />
181. </SettingList>
182. </Step>
183. <Step From="Deleted" Using="TaskUploadWorker" To="Workspace:Deleted">
184. <RetryPolicyConfig Type="RetryN" NumberOfRetries="5" IntervalBetweenRetries="5" />
185. <SettingList />
186. </Step>
187. <Step From="Integrate" Using="GenericOutputWorker" To="Integrated" Assembly="SmartDocumentor.GenericPlugin.Demo" Namespace="SmartDocumentor.GenericPlugin.Demo.Workers">
188. <SettingList>
189. <Setting Name="OutputFolder" Value="C:\devscope\DemoInvoice\Output" />
190. <Setting Name="ConfigFileName" Value="SmartDocumentor.GenericPlugin.InvoiceDemo.Fields.xml" />
191. <Setting Name="PluginId" Value="Invoice" />
192. </SettingList>
193. </Step>
194. <Step From="Integrated" Using="TaskUploadWorker" To="Workspace:Final">
195. <SettingList />
196. </Step>
When recovering documents back to a certain state only global states will be accepted. The accepted global steps are the ones seen in the status of the table in section Description.
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