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Quick Tutorial English

Akinori Yamada edited this page Aug 21, 2014 · 5 revisions


Firstly, install Aeromock in reference to Setup

Clone Tutorial

There is tutorial in repository of Aeromock.

$ git clone [email protected]:CyberAgent/aeromock.git

This tutorial is contents you can check behaviors by using supported template.

Make ~/.aeromock/config.yaml

Make ~/.aeromock/config.yaml to run this tutorial. At config.yaml, specify path of project.yaml as configuration file of Aeromock project.

In the case of Freemarker, specify the following. path-to-path is the location cloned Aeromock.

project_config_path: ~/path-to-path/aeromock/tutorial/freemarker/project.yaml

Check the

Start Aeromock, then check behaviors.

$ aeromock

Aeromock is listening on port 3183. You can check http://localhost:3183/test image


Template file is tutorial/freemarker/template/test.ftl, data file is tutorial/data/test.yaml. Please check these files.

Basic data

For example, area of simple nest.

<h4>simple nest</h4>
	<li>nest.level1 = ${nest.level1}</li>
	<li>nest.property1 = ${nest.property1}</li>
	<li>nest.child.level2 = ${nest.child.level2}</li>
	<li>nest.child.property2 = ${nest.child.property2}</li>

Data structure is the following. Data include variables as REQUEST_URI, then be able to embed builtin variables of Aeromock.

  level1: ${REQUEST_URI}_level1
  property1: hoge1
    level2: ${REQUEST_URI}_level2
    property2: hoge2
Invoke method

In area nest with method, invoke method of objects.

<h4>nest with method</h4>
	<li>nestWithMethod.level1 = ${nestWithMethod.level1}</li>
	<li>nestWithMethod.property1 = ${nestWithMethod.property1}</li>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute1() = ${nestWithMethod.execute1()}</li>
	<#assign execute2Result = nestWithMethod.execute2()/>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute2().id = ${}</li>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute2().value = ${execute2Result.value}</li>
	<#assign execute3Result = nestWithMethod.execute3()/>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute3().property1 = ${execute3Result.property1}</li>
	<#list execute3Result as element>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute3()[${element_index}] = ${element}</li>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute3().execute().childProperty = ${execute3Result.execute().childProperty}</li>
	<#assign execute4Result = nestWithMethod.execute4()/>
	<li>execute4Result.property1 = ${nestWithMethod.execute4().property1}</li>
	<#list execute4Result as element>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute4()[${element_index}].level1 = ${element.level1}</li>
	<li>nestWithMethod.execute4()[${element_index}].execute() = ${element.execute()}</li>

Create property of `__methods`, be able to define methods and return value.
  level1: ${REQUEST_URI}_level1
  property1: hoge1
    - name: execute1
      value: execute1_result
    - name: execute2
        id: execute2_result
        value: ${REQUEST_URI}_execute2
    - name: execute3
        property1: hoge3_1
          - ${REQUEST_URI}
          - element3_2
          - name: execute
              childProperty: ${REQUEST_URI}_child_3
    - name: execute4
        property1: hoge4_1
          - level1: ${REQUEST_URI}_1
              - name: execute
                value: execute_${REQUEST_URI}_1
          - level1: ${REQUEST_URI}_2
              - name: execute
                value: execute_${REQUEST_URI}_2

##### Common data
In area of `common data`, refers not defined variables at test.yaml, but these are referenced from common data file.

<h4>common data</h4>
	<li>commonProp = ${commonProp}</li>
	<li>commonHash.prop1 = ${commonHash.prop1}</li>

 common data file
The following two files. Defined `commonProp`, `commonHash` in these files.

* [tutorial/data/common/common_pc.yaml](
* [tutorial/data/common/common_sp.yaml](

In [tutorial/freemarker/data.groovy](, select either file by User-Agent string.

if (USER_AGENT =~ /(iPhone|Android)/ ) {
    return ["common/common_sp"]
} else {
    return ["common/common_pc"]

##### Custom Tag
Use custom tag as `@span`. This implementation is [tutorial/freemarker/tag/span.groovy](

Control output of `@span`.


// add class attribute
_writer.write(""" class="special-span" """)

// write tag attributes
for (entry in _params) {
    _writer.write(""" ${entry.key}=\"${entry.value}\"""")

if (_body != null) {
    // render inner body.

##### Custom Function
Use custom function as `staticUrl`. This implementation is [tutorial/freemarker/function/staticUrl.groovy](

Return url of target image from relative path.
if (arguments.isEmpty()) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Argument required")

return "http://$HOST${arguments[0]}"
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