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Per-episode stats (#521)
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Co-authored-by: Remi Cadene <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Remi <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Feb 15, 2025
1 parent 7c2bbee commit 8426c64
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Showing 19 changed files with 919 additions and 811 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions examples/port_datasets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,6 +148,10 @@ def main(raw_dir: Path, repo_id: str, mode: str = "video", push_to_hub: bool = T
action = zarr_data["action"][:]
image = zarr_data["img"] # (b, h, w, c)

if image.dtype == np.float32 and image.max() == np.float32(255):
# HACK: images are loaded as float32 but they actually encode uint8 data
image = image.astype(np.uint8)

episode_data_index = {
"from": np.concatenate(([0], zarr_data.meta["episode_ends"][:-1])),
"to": zarr_data.meta["episode_ends"],
Expand Down
326 changes: 136 additions & 190 deletions lerobot/common/datasets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,202 +13,148 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
from math import ceil
import numpy as np

import einops
import torch
import tqdm
from lerobot.common.datasets.utils import load_image_as_numpy

def get_stats_einops_patterns(dataset, num_workers=0):
"""These einops patterns will be used to aggregate batches and compute statistics.
def estimate_num_samples(
dataset_len: int, min_num_samples: int = 100, max_num_samples: int = 10_000, power: float = 0.75
) -> int:
"""Heuristic to estimate the number of samples based on dataset size.
The power controls the sample growth relative to dataset size.
Lower the power for less number of samples.
Note: We assume the images are in channel first format
For default arguments, we have:
- from 1 to ~500, num_samples=100
- at 1000, num_samples=177
- at 2000, num_samples=299
- at 5000, num_samples=594
- at 10000, num_samples=1000
- at 20000, num_samples=1681

dataloader =
batch = next(iter(dataloader))

stats_patterns = {}

for key in dataset.features:
# sanity check that tensors are not float64
assert batch[key].dtype != torch.float64

# if isinstance(feats_type, (VideoFrame, Image)):
if key in dataset.meta.camera_keys:
# sanity check that images are channel first
_, c, h, w = batch[key].shape
assert c < h and c < w, f"expect channel first images, but instead {batch[key].shape}"

# sanity check that images are float32 in range [0,1]
assert batch[key].dtype == torch.float32, f"expect torch.float32, but instead {batch[key].dtype=}"
assert batch[key].max() <= 1, f"expect pixels lower than 1, but instead {batch[key].max()=}"
assert batch[key].min() >= 0, f"expect pixels greater than 1, but instead {batch[key].min()=}"

stats_patterns[key] = "b c h w -> c 1 1"
elif batch[key].ndim == 2:
stats_patterns[key] = "b c -> c "
elif batch[key].ndim == 1:
stats_patterns[key] = "b -> 1"
if dataset_len < min_num_samples:
min_num_samples = dataset_len
return max(min_num_samples, min(int(dataset_len**power), max_num_samples))

def sample_indices(data_len: int) -> list[int]:
num_samples = estimate_num_samples(data_len)
return np.round(np.linspace(0, data_len - 1, num_samples)).astype(int).tolist()

def sample_images(image_paths: list[str]) -> np.ndarray:
sampled_indices = sample_indices(len(image_paths))
images = []
for idx in sampled_indices:
path = image_paths[idx]
# we load as uint8 to reduce memory usage
img = load_image_as_numpy(path, dtype=np.uint8, channel_first=True)

images = np.stack(images)
return images

def get_feature_stats(array: np.ndarray, axis: tuple, keepdims: bool) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
return {
"min": np.min(array, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims),
"max": np.max(array, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims),
"mean": np.mean(array, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims),
"std": np.std(array, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims),
"count": np.array([len(array)]),

def compute_episode_stats(episode_data: dict[str, list[str] | np.ndarray], features: dict) -> dict:
ep_stats = {}
for key, data in episode_data.items():
if features[key]["dtype"] == "string":
continue # HACK: we should receive np.arrays of strings
elif features[key]["dtype"] in ["image", "video"]:
ep_ft_array = sample_images(data) # data is a list of image paths
axes_to_reduce = (0, 2, 3) # keep channel dim
keepdims = True
raise ValueError(f"{key}, {batch[key].shape}")

return stats_patterns

def compute_stats(dataset, batch_size=8, num_workers=8, max_num_samples=None):
"""Compute mean/std and min/max statistics of all data keys in a LeRobotDataset."""
if max_num_samples is None:
max_num_samples = len(dataset)

# for more info on why we need to set the same number of workers, see `load_from_videos`
stats_patterns = get_stats_einops_patterns(dataset, num_workers)

# mean and std will be computed incrementally while max and min will track the running value.
mean, std, max, min = {}, {}, {}, {}
for key in stats_patterns:
mean[key] = torch.tensor(0.0).float()
std[key] = torch.tensor(0.0).float()
max[key] = torch.tensor(-float("inf")).float()
min[key] = torch.tensor(float("inf")).float()

def create_seeded_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, seed):
generator = torch.Generator()
dataloader =
return dataloader

# Note: Due to be refactored soon. The point of storing `first_batch` is to make sure we don't get
# surprises when rerunning the sampler.
first_batch = None
running_item_count = 0 # for online mean computation
dataloader = create_seeded_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, seed=1337)
for i, batch in enumerate(
tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, total=ceil(max_num_samples / batch_size), desc="Compute mean, min, max")
this_batch_size = len(batch["index"])
running_item_count += this_batch_size
if first_batch is None:
first_batch = deepcopy(batch)
for key, pattern in stats_patterns.items():
batch[key] = batch[key].float()
# Numerically stable update step for mean computation.
batch_mean = einops.reduce(batch[key], pattern, "mean")
# Hint: to update the mean we need x̄ₙ = (Nₙ₋₁x̄ₙ₋₁ + Bₙxₙ) / Nₙ, where the subscript represents
# the update step, N is the running item count, B is this batch size, x̄ is the running mean,
# and x is the current batch mean. Some rearrangement is then required to avoid risking
# numerical overflow. Another hint: Nₙ₋₁ = Nₙ - Bₙ. Rearrangement yields
# x̄ₙ = x̄ₙ₋₁ + Bₙ * (xₙ - x̄ₙ₋₁) / Nₙ
mean[key] = mean[key] + this_batch_size * (batch_mean - mean[key]) / running_item_count
max[key] = torch.maximum(max[key], einops.reduce(batch[key], pattern, "max"))
min[key] = torch.minimum(min[key], einops.reduce(batch[key], pattern, "min"))

if i == ceil(max_num_samples / batch_size) - 1:

first_batch_ = None
running_item_count = 0 # for online std computation
dataloader = create_seeded_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, seed=1337)
for i, batch in enumerate(
tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, total=ceil(max_num_samples / batch_size), desc="Compute std")
this_batch_size = len(batch["index"])
running_item_count += this_batch_size
# Sanity check to make sure the batches are still in the same order as before.
if first_batch_ is None:
first_batch_ = deepcopy(batch)
for key in stats_patterns:
assert torch.equal(first_batch_[key], first_batch[key])
for key, pattern in stats_patterns.items():
batch[key] = batch[key].float()
# Numerically stable update step for mean computation (where the mean is over squared
# residuals).See notes in the mean computation loop above.
batch_std = einops.reduce((batch[key] - mean[key]) ** 2, pattern, "mean")
std[key] = std[key] + this_batch_size * (batch_std - std[key]) / running_item_count

if i == ceil(max_num_samples / batch_size) - 1:

for key in stats_patterns:
std[key] = torch.sqrt(std[key])

stats = {}
for key in stats_patterns:
stats[key] = {
"mean": mean[key],
"std": std[key],
"max": max[key],
"min": min[key],
return stats

def aggregate_stats(ls_datasets) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
"""Aggregate stats of multiple LeRobot datasets into one set of stats without recomputing from scratch.
The final stats will have the union of all data keys from each of the datasets.
The final stats will have the union of all data keys from each of the datasets. For instance:
- new_max = max(max_dataset_0, max_dataset_1, ...)
ep_ft_array = data # data is alreay a np.ndarray
axes_to_reduce = 0 # compute stats over the first axis
keepdims = data.ndim == 1 # keep as np.array

ep_stats[key] = get_feature_stats(ep_ft_array, axis=axes_to_reduce, keepdims=keepdims)

# finally, we normalize and remove batch dim for images
if features[key]["dtype"] in ["image", "video"]:
ep_stats[key] = {
k: v if k == "count" else np.squeeze(v / 255.0, axis=0) for k, v in ep_stats[key].items()

return ep_stats

def _assert_type_and_shape(stats_list: list[dict[str, dict]]):
for i in range(len(stats_list)):
for fkey in stats_list[i]:
for k, v in stats_list[i][fkey].items():
if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError(
f"Stats must be composed of numpy array, but key '{k}' of feature '{fkey}' is of type '{type(v)}' instead."
if v.ndim == 0:
raise ValueError("Number of dimensions must be at least 1, and is 0 instead.")
if k == "count" and v.shape != (1,):
raise ValueError(f"Shape of 'count' must be (1), but is {v.shape} instead.")
if "image" in fkey and k != "count" and v.shape != (3, 1, 1):
raise ValueError(f"Shape of '{k}' must be (3,1,1), but is {v.shape} instead.")

def aggregate_feature_stats(stats_ft_list: list[dict[str, dict]]) -> dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
"""Aggregates stats for a single feature."""
means = np.stack([s["mean"] for s in stats_ft_list])
variances = np.stack([s["std"] ** 2 for s in stats_ft_list])
counts = np.stack([s["count"] for s in stats_ft_list])
total_count = counts.sum(axis=0)

# Prepare weighted mean by matching number of dimensions
while counts.ndim < means.ndim:
counts = np.expand_dims(counts, axis=-1)

# Compute the weighted mean
weighted_means = means * counts
total_mean = weighted_means.sum(axis=0) / total_count

# Compute the variance using the parallel algorithm
delta_means = means - total_mean
weighted_variances = (variances + delta_means**2) * counts
total_variance = weighted_variances.sum(axis=0) / total_count

return {
"min": np.min(np.stack([s["min"] for s in stats_ft_list]), axis=0),
"max": np.max(np.stack([s["max"] for s in stats_ft_list]), axis=0),
"mean": total_mean,
"std": np.sqrt(total_variance),
"count": total_count,

def aggregate_stats(stats_list: list[dict[str, dict]]) -> dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
"""Aggregate stats from multiple compute_stats outputs into a single set of stats.
The final stats will have the union of all data keys from each of the stats dicts.
For instance:
- new_min = min(min_dataset_0, min_dataset_1, ...)
- new_mean = (mean of all data)
- new_max = max(max_dataset_0, max_dataset_1, ...)
- new_mean = (mean of all data, weighted by counts)
- new_std = (std of all data)
data_keys = set()
for dataset in ls_datasets:
stats = {k: {} for k in data_keys}
for data_key in data_keys:
for stat_key in ["min", "max"]:
# compute `max(dataset_0["max"], dataset_1["max"], ...)`
stats[data_key][stat_key] = einops.reduce(
[ds.meta.stats[data_key][stat_key] for ds in ls_datasets if data_key in ds.meta.stats],
"n ... -> ...",
total_samples = sum(d.num_frames for d in ls_datasets if data_key in d.meta.stats)
# Compute the "sum" statistic by multiplying each mean by the number of samples in the respective
# dataset, then divide by total_samples to get the overall "mean".
# NOTE: the brackets around (d.num_frames / total_samples) are needed tor minimize the risk of
# numerical overflow!
stats[data_key]["mean"] = sum(
d.meta.stats[data_key]["mean"] * (d.num_frames / total_samples)
for d in ls_datasets
if data_key in d.meta.stats
# The derivation for standard deviation is a little more involved but is much in the same spirit as
# the computation of the mean.
# Given two sets of data where the statistics are known:
# σ_combined = sqrt[ (n1 * (σ1^2 + d1^2) + n2 * (σ2^2 + d2^2)) / (n1 + n2) ]
# where d1 = μ1 - μ_combined, d2 = μ2 - μ_combined
# NOTE: the brackets around (d.num_frames / total_samples) are needed tor minimize the risk of
# numerical overflow!
stats[data_key]["std"] = torch.sqrt(
d.meta.stats[data_key]["std"] ** 2
+ (d.meta.stats[data_key]["mean"] - stats[data_key]["mean"]) ** 2
* (d.num_frames / total_samples)
for d in ls_datasets
if data_key in d.meta.stats
return stats


data_keys = {key for stats in stats_list for key in stats}
aggregated_stats = {key: {} for key in data_keys}

for key in data_keys:
stats_with_key = [stats[key] for stats in stats_list if key in stats]
aggregated_stats[key] = aggregate_feature_stats(stats_with_key)

return aggregated_stats

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