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Belt Installation Y Axis

undoz edited this page Dec 9, 2024 · 31 revisions


Belt Clamp

Type Item Quantity
Hex Nut M3 2
Screw Button Head M3 8mm 2

Belt Tensioner

Type Item Quantity
Hex Nut M3 4
Screw Button Head M3 12mm 2
Screw Countersunk M3 10mm 2

  • Glue the hex nuts into the sockets of the belt clamp (Left) to prevent them from falling during installation
    • Don't worry if the bottom part cracks or breaks. It is not structural, and only meant for ease of assembly

  • Attach a screw to the hex nut and push it inside the tensioner (right). Some force might be needed.

Y Belt Routing

  1. Attach the Y belt and rear clamp to the carriage with two M3 8mm Button Head screws.


  • If you have already routed the belt prior to this, then you can insert a narrow piece of tape though the carriage hole and then tape it on both sides of the belt to pull it though.

  1. Route the belt though the back motor mount, under the extrusion, and then out of the front motor mount.

Y Belt Tool

  • The parts for this tool are found in the Other Parts.3mf

The Y Belt Tool is used for attaching the top tensioning plate on the front belt loop and for securing the nuts in place during the installation. It is also used for pre-tensioning the belt. This is necessary due to the short travel of the tensioning block and the high tension required.

Orientated the opposite way, it helps tensioning the belt with the bed mounted on the printer by guiding the hex key though its channels towards the tensioning screws.


Item Quantity
Heat Insert M3 Short 5x4 2
Nut Hex M3 7
Magnet 6x3mm 2
Screw Button Head M3 20mm 2
Screw Socket Head M3 40mm 1

Y Tensioner Installation Procedure

In the following steps we will be attaching the front belt loop to the carriage, pre-tensioning the belt, and securing the tensioner mechanism.

  • Loosen the grub screws of the front Y stepper motor pulley
  • Insert the two M3 hex nuts into the Y Belt Tool next to the magnets
  • Slide the Y Belt Tool under the carriage so that the hex nuts align with the screw holes for the tensioning mechanism
    • If it's blocked by the carriage, lift the front of the carriage a bit until it clears it

  • Pull the belt tight and hold it with one finger on the carriage
  • Set the belt onto the tool and loop it though the hole and under the edge of the carriage
  • While holding it, attach the top part of the pre-tensioning tool and lock it in place.
  • Rotate the tensioning knob until the belt is tight

  • Insert the adjustable belt tensioning block.
    • ❗ Make sure the screws are set inside it and are flush with hex nuts on the back side!
  • Secure the top plate
    • The M3 10mm Countersunk screws have a very small tolerance so you might need to push down hard for them to grab onto the hex nuts underneath the carriage

  • Remove the tensioning tool
  • Move the carriage back and adjust the belt tension by using the two screws in adjustable clamp
    • Note: You don't have to use the tensioning like I do in the video. That side of the tool is mainly intended for tensioning with the bed attached.

  • Finish by performing a step sync procedure and secure the grub screws of the front pulley.


  • A piece of Kapton tape can be added on top of the tensioner block to ease the movement and apply more pressure.
  • A strip of PVC tape can be added on the CF carriage where the back of the belt touches to increase pressure and friction.

  • Due to the heat proximity of the assembly, it is highly recommended to replace the printed top tensioner plate with a ~1.5mm drilled PCB (FR4) plate, or aluminum. Make sure the screws have enough clearance from the heater, not to damage it and cause a short.

A custom FR4 PCB Plate design can be found in User_Mods: Y Tensioner PCB Retailer Plate

Belt Tension

  • Please refer to the Tuning Guide for setting the belt tension and stepper sync.

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