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undoz edited this page Nov 27, 2024 · 29 revisions




Please ensure you read the Safety section of this guide.


This is a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) experimental project. This information is provided "as is" without any guarantees or warranty, and is not certified for any commercial or critical applications. Use it at your own risk. The creator assumes no liability for damages or injuries resulting from its use, including but not limited to fire, electric shock, personal injury or property damage. By using this you agree to the terms of this disclaimer.

Octopus Pro Wiring

octopus wiring

Note: The WAGO connector holders are attached with strong double sided mounting tape.

Configuration Notes

Stepper Jumpers:

  • The steppers (TMC2240) are set up in the default configurations with all four jumpers set to SPI mode
  • X, Y and Y1 drivers have their power jumper set to the Motor Pwr (36V) position

Drivers Jumpers

Stepper Mapping:

Driver Motor
X X Motor
Y Y Rear Motor
Y1 Y Front Motor
Z Z Left Motor
Z1 Z Right motor
E Extruder Motor

⚠️ Lower the stepper current from 1.6A to 1A if testing the printer with the Ebox door open and no active cooling. You might experience shutdown driver errors otherwise.


For the 2 wire PT1000 hotend thermistor connected to the Octopus Pro though the MAX31865 IC you need to set the dip switches to the following positions:
1 ON | 2 ON | 3 OFF | 4 ON

2 wire PT1000 w MAX31865

Ebox Assembly

Ebox - Online CAD Viewer

Main Components List:

Type Item Quantity
Mainboard Octopus Pro v1.1 h723 1
Host BTT Pi v1.2 1
Fan Axial 6025 2
PSU Meanwell LSR-350-24V 1
PSU Meanwell LRS-150-36V 1
Connector WAGO 221 5pos 3
Power Socket 3P Fused Terminal 1

Ebox Part List :

Type Item Quantity
Magnet 6x3 mm 4
Heat Insert M3 Short 5x4 50
Screw Button Head M3 10mm 3
Screw Button Head M3 20mm 1
Screw Button Head M3 6mm 5
Screw Button Head M3 8mm 3
Screw Countersunk M3 10m 17
Screw Countersunk M3 20mm 1
Screw Countersunk M3 8mm 10
Screw Countersunk M4 10mm 3
Screw Socket Head M2.5 8mm 4
Screw Socket Head M3 30mm 8
Screw Socket Head M3 8mm 8

  • The following part groups have to be glued together with CA glue

ebox glue

  • Glue the support standoffs on the back of the mainboard mount

ebox glue

Hardware Views

View Map:

ebox glue


ebox glue

ebox glue

ebox glue

ebox glue

ebox glue

ebox glue

ebox glue

Ebox Cable Lengths


Cable Length
Ebox Fans 23 cm

* To be updated

Ebox Wiring

LHS Ebox Power Wiring Diagram

  • Due to size constraints, the fork terminals that connect to the main PSU might need to be bent slightly at an angle following the cable direction depending on the type used.


  • The main wire loom is secured with a zip tie though the holes in the cable guide
    It is easier to install it by having the outer insert piece loose



  • Please ensure you read the Safety section of this guide.
  • Ask for professional help when dealing with AC connections
  • Always disconnect the power cable when working on the electronics or opening the box exposing the AC side
  • Use the appropriate tools for crimping (check the BOM for recommendations)
  • Do not tin wires going into ferrules or fork connectors
  • Do not tin or use ferrules for wires going to Wago splice connectors
  • Check the tightness of spade connectors (when NOT powered) and inspect the AC socket area from time to time to check for any signs of damage due to arcing or heat. This is a known point of failure that has been observed on other printers in the past
