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Holly P edited this page Sep 2, 2023 · 5 revisions

A full list of commands in the plugin, from the usual stuff to the most complex commands.


Standalone commands


Usage: /addhead [Player]
Description: Adds a player head to the heads menu. To add a head texture from a specific player, add the [Player] argument, otherwise the command will start a conversation to add the head with the specified texture.
Permission: headsplus.addhead
Permission to not specify a player: headsplus.addhead.texture


Usage: /head <Player> | /head <Receiving Player> <Head's Player Name>
Description: Gives you a head based on a player name.
Permission: headsplus.head
Permission to give heads to others: headsplus.head.others


Usage: /heads
Description: Displays a selection of heads.
Permission: headsplus.heads


Usage: /hpc
Description: Displays your challenges.
Permission: headsplus.challenges


Usage: /hplb [Total|Entity|Page #] [Page #] [Hunting|Selling|Crafting]
Description: Displays the leaderboards.
Permission: headsplus.leaderboards


Usage: /myhead
Description: Gives yourself your own head.
Permission: headsplus.myhead


Usage: /sellhead [All|Entity|#]
Description: Sells the head(s) in your hand.
Permission: headsplus.sellhead



Usage: /headsplus
Description: Main command with some sub-commands.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand
Alias: /hp

/headsplus complete

Usage: /headsplus complete [Player]
Description: Completes a challenge for yourself or another player if specified.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.complete
Permission to specify other players: headsplus.maincommand.complete.others

/headsplus conjure

Usage: /headsplus conjure <Head ID> [Amount] [Receiving Player]
Description: Retreives a head of a specific type.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.conjure

/headsplus help

Usage: /headsplus [help] [Page|Command]
Description: Shows the help menu for a list of commands, or for a specific command.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand

/headsplus info

Usage: /headsplus info
Description: Displays plugin info.

/headsplus locale

Usage: /headsplus locale <Locale|refresh> [Player]
Description: Changes a user's localisation or refreshes it if smart locale is enabled.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.locale
Permission to change locale: headsplus.maincommand.locale.change
Permission to change others' locale: headsplus.maincommand.locale.others

/headsplus profile

Usage: /headsplus profile [Player]
Description: Displays your own or another player's profile.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.profile
Permission to view other profiles: headsplus.maincommand.profile.others

/headsplus reload

Usage: /headsplus reload
Description: Reloads the configuration files.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.reload

/headsplus restore

Usage: /headsplus restore <Head ID>
Description: Restores a specified head that is provided by default by the plugin.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.restore

/headsplus tests

Usage: /headsplus tests <Entity> <Amount>
Description: Runs a specified number of tests for mob drop rates.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.tests

Debug commands

/headsplus debug clearim

Usage: /headsplus debug clearim
Description: Clears the inventory cache for /heads. This is used if you're experiencing a bug with the heads not working correctly.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.clearim

/headsplus debug dump

Usage: /headsplus debug dump
Description: Dumps a debug file.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.dump

/headsplus debug fix

Usage: /headsplus debug fix <Head ID>
Description: Sets the sellable ID to the head you are holding.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.fix

/headsplus debug head

Usage: /headsplus debug head
Description: Dumps a debug file for a head (be sure to hold the head you want to debug in your main head).
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.head

/headsplus debug item

Usage: /headsplus debug item
Description: Dumps a debug file about an item (make sure you're holding it in your hand)
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.item

/headsplus debug mask

Usage: /headsplus debug mask <Mask ID>
Description: Sets the mask ID to the head you are holding.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.mask

/headsplus debug player

Usage: /headsplus debug player <Player>
Description: Dumps a debug file about a player.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.player

/headsplus debug verbose

Usage: /headsplus debug verbose <off|Event Name> [Arguments]
Description: Used to debug event listeners in HeadsPlus.
Permission: headsplus.maincommand.debug.verbose