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Error Code Index

TM (Holly) edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 1 revision

As of v6.10.1, error codes have been added to the plugin so that errors that can be fixed by the user themselves can be diagnosed and fixed appropriately. Error codes are provided in order, so they are easy to locate.

Remember if you do need help understanding how to fix the errors in more detail, you are free to contact me.

#1: Sellhead has been disabled due to Vault itself not being found.

This means that the plugin was not able to find Vault in order to allow sellable heads. In order to fix this, you can get Vault here.

#2: Sellhead disabled due to no economy plugin being found.

Even if you need Vault installed, you will need a second plugin in order to be able to sell heads in the first place; Vault is just the API that allows multiple economy plugins to be supported.

Common economy plugins include Essentials itself, Ultimate Economy and several more found on Vault's project page.

#3: MySQL could not be enabled due to a problem connecting.

Below the error, there are more details as to why the connection to the MySQL database fails. Most of the time, it is due to typos in credentials and is made clear in the errors given.

If you don't understand the error you're dealing with or believe it is on my end, then do reach out to me.

#4: The plugin has been tampered with! Only reupload the plugin on other sites with my permission, please!

Guess what mate, you've been caught red-handed!

In all seriousness though, the plugin does check to make sure that its credentials haven't been wrongly modified or tampered with. If this happens, then the plugin automatically disables itself in protest.

You can find a proper copy of the plugin on the official download page here on SpigotMC.

#5: Incorrect version of HeadsPlus being used!

This often points to your server version being either too old or even too new for the plugin. Because HeadsPlus does depend on NMS to function, it is very strict with its supported server versions. As of currently, HeadsPlus supports 1.8 up to 1.15.2.

If you are looking for support for a new server version, then I am already working on it.

#6: Error thrown when creating head for <Entity name>. If it's a custom head, please double check the name.

#7: Could not find sound <Sound name>!

#8: Null icon found for <Icon ID>, please check your inventories.yml and see if this icon actually exists!

#9: There was a problem setting the display name or lore for icon <Icon ID>!

#10: Texture for not found.

#11: A problem was found when setting the display name for icon Heads Section with ID <Icon ID>. Either the item is null, or there is a config error in the display names!

#12: Null display name for <Head ID>!