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Common Issues and Questions

TM (Holly) edited this page Jul 20, 2020 · 4 revisions

Here we have a list of commonly asked questions and issues about HeadsPlus with their provided answers.

More will likely be added over time the more a specific question is queried.

When I place a head on the ground and break it again, it loses all of its lore, display name and so on.

That is not a HeadsPlus problem as Minecraft deletes all NBT data when blocks are placed in the ground - this goes for skulls too!

However, if you want to stop players from placing these sellable heads to avoid this problem, go to config.yml > plugin > mechanics > set "stop-placement-of-sellable-heads" to true, save the file and reload the configuration using /hp reload.

The plugin won't run any commands, but shows up green in /plugins! (Or even red)

Please send me a complete log of your startup, and also make sure your plugin is up to date. If there is a snapshot on Github fixing your problem, I will redirect you there.

See here for methods of contacting me.

The /sellhead command is disabled, why?

It is likely to be disabled because you don't have Vault and a second economy plugin installed. When using Vault, it requires a second plugin to hook into so that the economy can be managed; Vault is just the API that allows multiple plugins to have their economy and permissions modified so that you don't have to support multiple economy plugins.

Common economy plugins include Essentials, Ultimate Economy and eWallet.

I want to disable Wither Skeleton head drops for HeadsPlus, how can I do that?

In the mobs.yml file (also known as heads.yml pre-v6.10), find the configuration section for wither skeletons ("witherskeleton") and set its chance to 0. After that, save the file and reload the configuration using /hp reload.

Rather than textured player heads, I want to use zombie/creeper/etc. heads for mob drops, how can I do that?

In the mobs.yml file (once known as heads.yml), go to the mob section you want (we'll use zombies in this example). Then, just remove the currently existing head and replace it with "{mob-default}" so it looks like this:

    - '{mob-default}'

After that, save the file and reload the configuration using /hp reload.

How can I sell player heads?

Using /sellhead player.

Even though I disabled head drops for X mob, their head still drops.

Please make sure you haven't got a second plugin that handles mob drops by reviewing the functions and overviews of your other plugins. Although it is not made obvious, it has been reported to me that fellow heads plugin EpicHeads also causes head drops.

Mobs aren't dropping their heads!

If you are spawning in mobs through custom commands (such as Essentials' /spawnmob) or through spawn eggs, then HeadsPlus is using default exploit protection to stop players gaining a large number of heads through cheating.