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Applets in Nexus Bridge

Oleg edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 20 revisions

View Applets and Popup Applets

The Nexus Bridge distinguishes the two types of Siebel applets:

  • View applets - the applets displayed on the Siebel view, currently supported form and list applets (see below). From the Nexus Bridge's point of view, the differences between them are minor, and they could be instantiated by the same class.
  • Popup applets. The Nexus Bridge uses NexusPopupApplet class to work with popup applets.

Form and List Applets

The difference between the list and form applets from the Nexus Bridge perspective:

  • Working with the form applet, Nexus Bridge can find the required controls from server rendered HTML in the class constructor (if HTML is not removed from the DOM yet). There is the RequiredControl PM property, but it always empty. For the list applets, starting from some 17.X version, we can have required attribute.
  • Some methods make sense only for the list applets, e.g., GotoNextSet, GotoPreviousSet, PositionOnRow.
  • There are some other minor differences that the Nexus Bridge handles:
    • The PM GetRecordSet method for form applets returns also the Id property even if this field is not exposed on the applet web template. The Nexus Bridge getRecordSet method always return the Id property.
    • Form applet PM returns the output of the GetRecordSet/GetRawRecordSet by reference. The Nexus Bridge returns values for the corresponding methods.
    • Form applet PM returns not formatted values in the output of the GetRecordSet method. The Nexus Bridge returns formatted values.

The known differences are handled inside NB (only notifications difference is not handled), but some other changes could be found in future. Therefore better to prefer the list applet as the most common and most used option.

Siebel Tree Applets

You can create an instance of the Nexus Bridge for Siebel Tree Applets. However the Siebel Tree Applets are not fully supported and tested. If you need need to display your data in a tree you can consider to base it on the Siebel list applet.