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View Applet Class

Oleg edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 20 revisions

Class main extends the base applet class and intended to instantiate a view applet:

  • closePopupApplet().

  • showPopup(name, hide, cb), showMvgApplet(name, hide, cb), and showPickApplet(name, hide, cb) open shuttle or pick applet, the input parameters are:

    • name - the name of the control that has the associated popup applet. For showPopup the control should have type Button.

    • hide - optional Boolean parameter. If the value is true, the popup applet will not be displayed and the promise will be returned.

    • cb - optional parameter, the function to be executed when a popup applet is instantiated and the promise is resolved.

    • These methods return the promise, and when it is resolved, it returns the object with the following keys:

      • appletName: the Tools name of the instantiated applet.
      • assocAppletName: exists only for the shuttle applet - the Tools name of the association applet.
      • nexusPopupApplet: the instance of the Nexus Bridge (NexusPopupApplet) for the instantiated MVG or pick applet. This property is populated only when the popup PR is deployed as written here; otherwise the custom PR application should create the instance of the Nexus Bridge itself as written here.
      • nexusAssocApplet: exists only for the shuttle applet - the instance of the Nexus Bridge (NexusPopupApplet) for the instantiated association applet. This property is populated only when the popup PR is deployed as written here; otherwise the custom PR application should create the instance of the Nexus Bridge itself as written here.
      • applet
      • assocApplet
  • drilldown(controlName) and drilldownPromised(controlName) work also for form applet if the drilldown is configured as described in MOS article 539183.1. The drilldown method returns immediately, and the drilldownPromised returns the promise that resolved when the view is fully loaded. Do not use the drilldownPromised method does not work for downloading the attachments (as another view is not loaded, and the promise is never resolved).

  • gotoView(targetViewName, targetAppletName, id) and gotoViewPromised(targetViewName, appletName, id) take the user to another Siebel view. The gotoView method returns immediately, and the gotoViewPromised returns the promise that resolved when the view is fully loaded. There are also the same static methods GotoView and GotoViewPromised.

  • openAssocApplet(cb) calls the NewRecord method and it makes sense only for child applets in M:M relationships. The method does not check if the applet displays the association applet on the NewRecord method.

  • showExportApplet(hide, cb) opens the SWE Export Applet.