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Nexus Bridge Siebel Business Service

OlegKoleskin edited this page Jan 17, 2020 · 18 revisions

You need this business service only if you are planning to call the getMVF Nexus Bridge method.

The Nexus BS business service has three methods:

  • Refresh
  • Requery
  • ReturnMVGFields

Method Refresh

Calls the RefreshBusComp method on the specified by the name input parameter business component in the active business object.

Method Requery

Does the empty query on the specified by the name input parameter business component in the active business object. The same result could be achieved by nexus.query({}) or nexus.queryById('').

Method ReturnMVGFields

You do not need to call this method directly, as it is called by getMVF method of the Nexus Bridge.

This method is useful when you want to display all values in the multi-value field on loading the application or changing the record.

Another option to get all values in the multi-value field is opening the shuttle applet in the background, getting the recordset from the MVG applet, and closing the shuttle applet. However, the business service works faster as the only one round trip to the server is needed, and several multi-value fields are supported in one call.

There are three input parameters for the getMVF method:

  1. Array of the Row IDs. The current business component and business object are used.
  2. Object where keys are the MVG control names, and values the array of the fields names to be returned to which Id and SSA Primary Field are always added.
  3. Optional boolean parameter - useActiveBO. If true, the first parameter is ignored, and the current record in the used business component is used.

Example code to call the getMVF method:

  const ret = await nexus.getMVF(
  nexus.getRawRecordSet().map(el => el.Id),
    Organization: ['Organization', 'Organization Id'],
    'Sales Rep': ['Active Login Name', 'First Name', 'Last Name'],
    'Benefit Plan': []

In the example code above Organization, Sales Rep, and Benefit Plan are the names of multi-value controls, and the arrays contain the field names in the appropriate destination business component.

The example of the output:

  "9SIA-83L7P": {
    "Organization": [],
    "Sales Rep": [
        "Active First Name": "Ted", 
        "Active Last Name": "Arnold", 
        "Active Login Name": "TARNOLD", 
        Id: "7SIA-5DZZ2", 
        "SSA Primary Field": true
    "Benefit Plan": []

Only SSA Primary Field is converted Y/N => true/false and back (read about implicit conversions).