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Matt Wagner edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

V2 Conductor API Provider Management BDD

Feature: Manage Providers via API
As a client of conductor,
In order to manage the full life cycle of providers in the system
I want to be able to Create, Update and Delete providers via a RESTful API

Given I am an authorised user
And I use my authentication credentials in each request

Scenario: Get list of providers as XML
Given there are some providers
When I request a list of providers returned as XML
Then I should receive list of providers as XML

Scenario: Get details for provider as XML
Given there is a provider
When I ask for details of that provider as XML
Then I should receive details of that provider as XML

Scenario: Get details for non existing provider
When I ask for details of non existing provider
Then I should receive Not Found error

Scenario: Create a new provider
When I create provider with correct data
Then I should receive OK message
And the provider should be created

Scenario: Create a new provider with bad request
When I create provider with incorrect data
Then I should receive Bad Request message
And the provider should not be created

Scenario: Update a provider
Given there is a provider
When I update that provider with correct data
Then I should receive OK message
And the provider should be updated

Scenario: Update a provider with bad request
Given there is a provider
When I update that provider with incorrect data
Then I should receive Bad Request message
And the provider should not be updated

Scenario: Attempt to update non existing provider
Given the specified provider does not exist in the system
When I attempt to update the provider
Then I should receive a Provider Not Found error
And the provider should not be updated

Scenario: Delete Provider
Given there is a provider
When I delete that provider
Then I should received an OK message
And the provider should be deleted

Scenario: Attempt to delete non-existant provider
Given the specified provider does not exist in the system
When I attempt to delete the provider
Then I should receive a Provider Not Found error
And the provider should not be deleted

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