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2020 08 18.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 5 revisions
  • TODO AGENDA: RE termination
  • coverage
    • we don't progress much on test coverage :-(
    • put it back on standing agenda?
    • different approaches to testing in the group
  • local storage on summit (NVME)
    • triggers SSD mount on compute nodes
    • agreement on implementing via rs.SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE
  • SMT
    • config updated
    • keep env variable for a while
  • github
    • latest release label on github project page
  • workflows
    • TODO AM: send info to MT
  • MongoDB / RMQ on summit
    • got recipe to use slate @ ORNL
    • we don't need user/pass credentials (is internal to OLCF)
    • needs new accounts @slate
  • gordon - bell
  • resources
    • list all valid resources in docs?
      • TODO IP: check script
      • TODO AM: check resource configs (tacc / xsede)
  • TODO AM: multi-agent: radical-base to sandbox
  • TODO AM: docs/architecture snippets: cleanup, integrate some
  • TODO ALL: open RA documentation tickets (or PRs!)
  • TODO ALL: populate project issues
    • AGENDA: discuss second Tuesday of month
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