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Andre Merzky edited this page Jun 4, 2014 · 7 revisions

Radical-Pilot MS-7

Driving Use Cases

  • EnsembleMD-TK
  • Troy v2.0

Main Features

  • (1) MPI support (multi-node) MAY
  • (2) Cray support JUNE
  • (3) scalability/performance toward use cases JULY
  • (4) ability to share staged data between CUs JULY

MPI and Cray support will be provided in separate agents. That will (initially) exclude the use case of inter-node MPI on Cray.


  • detailed requirements for EnMDTK: OW (April)
  • detailed requirements for Troy: AM (April)
  • MPI: MS (April/May), OW (April / May)
  • Cray: AT (April / May), OW (May/June)
  • data staging/sharing: MS (June/July)
  • performance, delivering towards EnMDTK, Troy: AM (April-July), Ole (June, July)
  • target release date: end of July (Ole is away parts of May/June)


  • May 1:
    • OW: ?? requirements complete
    • AM: ?? requirements complete
  • May 8:
    • OW: OK simple MPI support for Stampede complete (prototype)
    • AT, OW: ?? draft architecture for Cray agent
  • May 15:
    • MS: ?? implementation proposal for MPI support beyond stampede
    • AT: ?? MPI integration tests set up (moved to AM)
    • OW: OK first prototype of non-MPI agent for cray
    • ALL: ?? agree on implementation plan for Cray agent
  • May 22:
    • AM: ?? MPI support integrated in Troy
  • May 29:
    • MS: ?? MPI support complete
    • OW/AT: ?? prototype for Cray agent -- reconfirm implementation plan
    • ALL: ?? documentation of performance bottleneck
  • June 5:
    • AM, OW: integration tests for MPI stable for multiple use cases / machines
    • ALL: agreement on optimization targets
  • June 12:
    • AM: benchmarks set up, benchmark targets are documented
    • OW: testable prototype of Cray agent
  • June 19:
    • OW: release Cray agent support
  • June 26:
    • AM: first results on optimization
    • AM: document/plan for use case integration
  • July 3:
    • AM: benchmark targets reached
    • OW: release candidate
  • July 10:
    • ALL: iteration / testing
  • July 17:
    • ALL: release, party
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