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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 27th

Bill McDonald edited this page Apr 5, 2020 · 7 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 27th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Florian Tolk (ADL)
  • Marcus Birtwhislte (ADL)
  • Dennis Hall (Learning Templates)
  • Mark Grant (Independent)
  • Dennis Hall (Learning Templates)
  • Henry Ryng (INXSOL)
  • Chris Xanthos (Epignosis)
  • Christopher Thompson (Medcom, Inc.)


cmi5 Narrative

The discussion of the "cmi5 narrative" presentation from last year was resumed. The group reviewed the PowerPoint Deck created by Dennis Hall and made the following suggestions:

#1 - There should be four separate presentations - segmented as follows:

  • cmi5 benefits - A presentation that goes deep on the benefits of cmi5. We have materials for this but they are on the context of "cmi5 vs SCORM" or "cmi5 vs TinCan". This presentation should also emphasize how cmi5 is a the best way to "map xAPI to the LMS".

  • An xAPI Primer - A presentation that describes how xAPI works in general terms. (Since xAPI knowledge is a "prerequisite" for cmi5). Surprisingly, there does not seem not seem to be much out there on this.

  • cmi5 for LMS developers - A presentation giving the high level process and scope of for adding cmi5 capability to an LMS.

  • cmi5 for Authoring Tool Developers - A presentation giving the high level process and scope of for adding cmi5 capability to authoring tools. (The audience for this would also include "Content Coders") This presentation could reference the cmi5 content library for examples but would not necessarily be a "cookbook" (the cmi5 content library samples already do that).

#2 - The process chart needs to show a "Waived" decision tree - The cmi5 process chart does a very good job of giving an overview of what is required but needs to show how issuing a "Waived" statement is a decision and it's Yes/No path.

Next Steps

The group will focus on the LMS developer oriented presentation first. At the next meeting group will update process chart for a "Waived" decision path.

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

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