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MeetingNotes Feb 02 2018
Because compliance cannot be verified – it does not mean that an LMS (or AU) is not cmi5 conformant.
Failure to import course structures ( with over 1000 AU's ) due to size/capacity of the system does not indicate failure of compliance with cmi5. (
Test suite AU failure to execute due to software/environment conflicts…
- (TestSuite) Create Test Course Structure(s)
- Multiple course structures
- ZIP Package vs XML only
- Mix of Relative and Fully Qualified URLS
- Smaller one for Completion (Satisfied Test)
- Large enough to test all MoveOn Criteria
- Blocks, AU's
- Large enough to test all MoveOn Criteria
- Multiple course structures
- (Human) Import that structure(s) into the LMS (admin user)
- (Human) Register the learner (admin User)
- (Human) Access the course as a learner
- Selected AU's (not all)
- (Machine) AU's (Testsuite) inspect LMS/LRS data
- (Human) Procedure for learner to follow thru the course(s).
- Initial entry
- Re-entry of AU's
- (Human) Modify course structure (admin user) and verify effect as a learner
- Eg, MasteryScore, MoveOn, etc
AU (Content) - Individually
- (Human) add a reference (URL) to AU to inspect
- (Human) Launch the AU and Interact with AU
- (Human) Re-entry to AU's
- Launch in different modes
- Review, Normal, Browse
- Launch in different modes
- (Machine) Testsuite will inspect AU xapi data
AU (Content) – Course Structure (on or more)
- (Machine) Testsuite (LMS) – import/validate a course structure
- (Human) Launch each AU in the course and Interact with AU
- (Human) Re-entry to AU's
- Launch in different modes
- Review, Normal, Browse
- Launch in different modes
- (Machine) Testsuite will inspect AU xapi data
Course Structure/Package
- (Machine) Inspect XML
- XSD validation
- Relative pathing & Fully Qualified URL
- (Machine) Inspect Package
- Inspect ZIP
- File existence validation (ZIP)
- Content
- XML file
- ZIP format (32/64)
Small course testing
- (Human) Import that structure(s) into the LMS (admin user)
- (Human) Register multiple learners (admin User) – User 1, 2, 3….
(Human) Access the course as a learner 1
oo Launch AU's in order
- Do Not Launch (AU5 – Not applicable)
- oo Complete all AU's with minimum MoveOn Criterial
- oo Single Entry
oo Final Check AU (Assess results)
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- AU x is a test suite specific tool (not Normal AU scenario)
Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
- AUx may not have sufficient access to query the LRS for statements issued by other AU's – So alternate credentials would need to be provided (e.g. AUx will need to have a login form for alternate access- for "deep queries")
oo Launch AU's in order
(Human) Access the course as a learner 2
- oo Launch AU's in order
- oo Complete all AU's with MoveOn Criteria
- oo Multiple Entry
oo Final Check AU (Assess results
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
(Human) Access the course as a learner 3
- oo Launch AU's in any order
- oo Multiple Entry (Re-launching - Exiting and Re-entering AU)
oo Complete all AU's except AU6
- Partially Complete AU6 and re-enter
- Complete AU6
oo Final Check AU(Assess results
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
Large course testing
- (Machine) AU's (Testsuite) inspect LMS/LRS data
(Human) Procedure for learner to follow thru the course(s).
- oo Initial entry
- oo Re-entry of AU's
(Human) Modify course structure (admin user) and verify effect as a learner
- oo Eg, MasteryScore, MoveOn, etc
- Final Check AU(Assess results)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<courseStructure xmlns="https://w3id.org/xapi/profiles/cmi5/v1/CourseStructure.xsd">
<course id="http://course-repository.example.edu/identifiers/courses/02baafcf">
<langstring lang="en-US">Intro to Web Based Content</langstring>
<langstring lang="en-US">
This course will introduce you into the basics integrating xAPI with web
based content.
<block id=" http://www.example.com/identifiers/aublock/005430bf-b3ba-45e6-b47b-d629603d83d8" >
<au id= http://course-repository.example.edu/identifiers/courses/02baafcf/aus/4c07
<langstring lang="en-US">Guess a Number</langstring>
<langstring lang="en-US">
This game uses xAPI to track the start and stop as well as the player's
- Rollup discussion – Blocks with Blocks only as children
Small Course Structure test (LMS)
- Created by testsuite (Static or generated)
- Zip File with content
- Mix of relative and fully qualified URL's
- Nested Blocks
- Mixed Blocks - Blocks with AU's and Block Children
- Blocks with Block children only
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- moveOn=" Completed "
- <Fully Qualified url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- masteryScore="0.8501"
- moveOn="Passed"
- <Relative url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- moveOn=" Completed "
- <Relative url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- masteryScore="0.8501"
- moveOn="CompletedAndPassed "
- <Relative url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- masteryScore="0.8501"
- moveOn="CompletedOrPassed "
- <Relative url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- moveOn="NotApplicable"
- <Relative url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- moveOn=" Completed"
- <Fully Qualified url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- moveOn="NotApplicable"
- <Relative url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
Large Course Structure test (LMS) Test
- Created by testsuite (Static or generated)
- Has 1001 AU's
- Fully Qualified URL
- Zipped and XML only
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- moveOn=" Completed "
- <url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
AU1 1001
- launchMethod="OwnWindow"
- moveOn=" Completed "
- <url>
- <launchParameters>
- <entitlementKey>
Small course testing
TestSuite Generates a test course structure (XML)
- oo (Initially) Static one to start
- oo (Later) a parameter driven generation of course structure.
- (Human) Import that structure(s) into the LMS (admin user)
- (Human) Register multiple learners (admin User) – User 1, 2, 3….
(Human) Access the course as a learner 1
oo Launch AU's in order
- Do Not Launch (AU5 – Not applicable)
- oo Complete all AU's with minimum MoveOn Criterial
- oo Single Entry
oo Final Check AU
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
oo Launch AU's in order
(Human) Access the course as a learner 2
- oo Launch AU's in order
- oo Complete all AU's with MoveOn Criterial
- oo Multiple Entry
oo Final Check AU
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
(Human) Access the course as a learner 3
- oo Launch AU's in any order
- oo Multiple Entry (Re-launching - Exiting and Re-entering AU)
oo Complete all AU's except AU6
- Partially Complete AU6 and re-enter
- Complete AU6
oo Final Check AU
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
Large course testing
TestSuite Generates a test course structure (XML)
- oo (Initially) Static one to start
- oo (Later) a parameter driven generation of course structure.
- (Machine) AU's (Testsuite) inspect LMS/LRS data
(Human) Procedure for learner to follow thru the course(s).
- oo Initial entry
- oo Re-entry of AU's
(Human) Modify course structure (admin user) and verify effect as a learner
- oo Eg, MasteryScore, MoveOn, etc
Small course testing
TestSuite Generates a test course structure (XML)
- oo (Initially) Static one to start
- oo (Later) a parameter driven generation of course structure.
- (Human) Import that structure(s) into the LMS (admin user)
- (Human) Register multiple learners (admin User) – User 1, 2, 3….
(Human) Access the course as a learner 1
oo Launch AU0
- Inspect URL (for all N/V pairs)
- Get Auth Token (fetch)
- Inspect State API
- Issue Initialized Statement
- Send Complete Statement
- Do Not Launch (AU5 – Not applicable)
- oo Complete all AU's with minimum MoveOn Criterial
- oo Single Entry
oo Final Check AU
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
oo Launch AU0
(Human) Access the course as a learner 2
- oo Launch AU's in order
- oo Complete all AU's with MoveOn Criterial
- oo Multiple Entry
oo Final Check AU
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
(Human) Access the course as a learner 3
- oo Launch AU's in any order
- oo Multiple Entry (Re-launching - Exiting and Re-entering AU)
oo Complete all AU's except AU6
- Partially Complete AU6 and re-enter
- Complete AU6
oo Final Check AU
- Run AU x after course complete (check for all satisfied)
- A wait period should be established
- AU x is Not Applicable
- Alternate Credentials to Access to LRS for LMS issued statements.
- Simple Launch (Initial and re-entrant)
- Course Structure
- Fully qualified URL to content
- LaunchData= AU specific parameters
- Moveon=Completed
- 1. Add setup data – import course Structure
- 2. Register Learner in course, etc.
- 3.** Action: Launch AU**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 4.** Action: Exit AU (Button)**
- Write AU specific State API Document (state Id = AUtest, Registration, ActivityId, Actor)
- Write Terminated Statement (Success)
- Return To LMS (Use Return URL if provided or Close The AU window)
- 5.** Action: **** (re) Launch AU**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
- Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
- Read AU-Specific State API Document. (Verify contents same)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- Previous Statements
- 6.** Action: Send "Completed" (Button)**
oo Result: AU
- Write Completed Statement (Success)
- 7.** Action: Exit AU (Button)**
oo Result: AU
- Write Terminated Statement (Success)
- Return To LMS (Use Return URL if provided or Close The AU window)
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Satisfied Statement Issued – At Course Level
Verify Abandon Statement not issued for each session
- After a reasonable period of time
- Simple Launch (ne launch pass)
- Course Structure
- Fully qualified URL to content
- LaunchData= AU specific parameters
- Moveon=Passed
- 1. Add setup data – import course Structure
- 2. Register Learner in course, etc.
- 3.** Action: Launch AU**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 4.** Action: Send "Pass" (Button)**
oo Result: AU
- Write Passed Statement (Success)
- 5.** Action: Exit AU (Button)**
- Write AU specific State API Document (state Id = AUtest, Registration, ActivityId, Actor)
- Write Terminated Statement (Success)
- Return To LMS (Use Return URL if provided or Close The AU window)
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Satisfied Statement Issued – At Course Level
Verify Abandon Statement not issued for each session
- After a reasonable period of time
- Simple Launch (Abandoned – AU crash After Launch)
- Course Structure
- Fully qualified URL to content
- LaunchData= AU specific parameters
- Moveon=Completed
- 6. Add setup data – import course Structure
- 7. Register Learner in course, etc.
- 8.** Action: Launch AU**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 9.** Action: Close AU (Abnormally Exit)**
- 10.** Action: Re-Launch AU (new session)**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Abandoned Statement Issued
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 11.** Action: Exit AU (Button)**
- Write AU specific State API Document (state Id = AUtest, Registration, ActivityId, Actor)
- Write Terminated Statement (Success)
- Return To LMS (Use Return URL if provided or Close The AU window)
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Verify No Satisfied Statement
Verify Abandon Statement not issued for second session
- After a reasonable period of time
- Simple Launch (abandoned)
- Course Structure – 2 AUs
- Fully qualified URL to content
- LaunchData= AU specific parameters
- Moveon=Completed, Completed
- 1. Add setup data – import course Structure
- 2. Register Learner in course, etc.
- 3.** Action: Launch AU 1**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 4.** Action: Close AU 1 (Abnormally Exit)**
- 5.** Action: Launch AU2 (new session)**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Abandoned Statement Issued (for AU1 session)
- Launched Statement Issued (AU2 Session)
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 6.** Action: Exit AU (Button)**
- Write AU specific State API Document (state Id = AUtest, Registration, ActivityId, Actor)
- Write Terminated Statement (Success)
- Return To LMS (Use Return URL if provided or Close The AU window)
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Verify No Satisfied Statement
Verify Abandon Statement not issued for second session
- After a reasonable period of time
- )
- Course Structure (1 AU)
- Fully qualified URL to content
- LaunchData= AU specific parameters
- Moveon=Completed
- 1. Add setup data – import course Structure
- 2. Register Learner in course, etc.
- 3.** Action: Launch AU**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 4.** Action: AU Terminate Button (Issue Terminate)**
oo Result: AU
- Issue Terminate Statement
- Then – Issue Completed Statement (after reasonable time –as defined in se)
- 5.** Action: Re-Launch AU (new session)**
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Abandoned Statement Issued
- Launched Statement Issued
- Write State API Document LMS.launchdata
- Redirect Browser to AU URL +cmi5 Query string
oo Result: AU
- Parse Query String
Call Fetch URL – Retrieve Authentication Token
- Call Fetch URL 2 nd Time to verify Error Issued
Read State API Document LMS.launchdata (verify structure)
- Verify Launch Data Parameters from course structure are the same
- Write Initialized Statement (success)
Present AU UI to learner (with results of checks)
- OK/Failed list
- 6.** Action: Exit AU (Button)**
- Write AU specific State API Document (state Id = AUtest, Registration, ActivityId, Actor)
- Write Terminated Statement (Success)
- Return To LMS (Use Return URL if provided or Close The AU window)
oo Result: LaunchConsole (LMS)
- Verify No Satisfied Statement
Verify Abandon Statement not issued for second session
- After a reasonable period of time
Because compliance cannot be verified – it does not mean that an LMS (or AU) is not cmi5 conformant.
Test suite AU failure to execute due to software/environment conflicts…
"** Reasonable Time" set by TestSuite parameters****. (Procedure will specify)**
Rationale: How long a learner user would expect to wait for LMS corrective action due to AU failure - up to 3 seconds