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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 5th, 2014

MrBillMcDonald edited this page Sep 5, 2014 · 2 revisions

CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 5th, 2014


  • William A. McDonald – Boeing Flight Services
  • Brandt Dargue – Boeing Research & Technology
  • Ray Lowery – Pratt & Whitney
  • Art Werkenthin – RISC Technology
  • Ben Clark – Rustici Software
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Chris Handorf – Pearson
  • Henry Ryng – INXSOL


The group continued to discuss the "Fetch URL" and Basic Authentication.

1. Fetch URL Error Handling

If the Fetch URL fails it will return the following error data structure:

        "error-text":"Token already in use.  Don't double-click !"  

There will be error-code(s) for general categories or problems as follows:

  1. Already in Use/Expired
  2. General Security Error
  3. General Application Error

The “error-text” will be specified based on the LMS implementation. (To provide more specific information on what the problem is and what the users & support staff can do about it)

2. Course Structure – Langstring

There is a notion of a langstring data type to have a language property.
This is used to support multiple languages for learners. All strings in the data model viewed by the learner will be a collection of langstring (with one element for each supported language using RFC 5646 Language codes)

Art Werkenthin requested an example in XML for the course structure document.

The example is as follows and will be added to the course_structure XSD

Collection of Langstrings

The string Le string

3. Course Structure – Objectives

The group agreed to change the course structure XSD to centralize Objectives in one location then reference them (by ID) in AU and Block entities. This will save on XML file “bloat” and facilitate better re-use of Objectives.

Next Time

Next meeting we will review "Value Space" & Sample values for data elements in the Course Structure

All Previous CMI-5 Meeting Minutes (After June 6th):

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