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Criticality risk

countincognito edited this page Jun 21, 2024 · 7 revisions

The Criticality Risk metric is defined as:



  • $W_{C}$ is the criticality weight of (black) critical activities
  • $W_{R}$ is the criticality weight of (red) high-risk activities
  • $W_{Y}$ is the criticality weight of (yellow) medium-risk activities
  • $W_{G}$ is the criticality weight of (green) low-risk activities
  • $N_{C}$ is the number of (black) critical activities
  • $N_{R}$ is the number of (red) high-risk activities
  • $N_{Y}$ is the number of (yellow) medium-risk activities
  • $N_{G}$ is the number of (green) low-risk activities
  • $N$ is the total number activities in the project, i.e. $N_{C}+N_{R}+N_{Y}+N_{G}$

Using the default settings from the Arrow Graph Settings window, the formula would be:


The maximum possible Criticality Risk (i.e. when all activities are critical) would be:


The minimum possible Criticality Risk (i.e. when all activities are low-risk) would be:


Using the default settings from the Arrow Graph Settings window, the result of the above formula would be:


For more details see: