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fedyaFade edited this page Oct 11, 2013 · 11 revisions

Things to do today:

  1. Change headers' footprints in power supply to the footprints of ones we ordered. (discarded)
  2. Change buttons' footprints in buttons schematc. (done)
  3. Learn about integrated libraries - a way to combine pcb and schematic design of a component into a single library. (seems like we don't have to bother with this, not in this small project [?])
  4. Find polarized capacitors on farnell

Speak to Odd Rune about (done)

  • serial port driver design
  • create many nx2 header footprints or use n/k kx2 headers where we need a nx2 header.
  • create integrated library for all the components / create many libraries - one for each component.

What Odd Rune said:

  1. We shall use polarized capacitors for serial port. (done)
  2. Open misc devices in pcb editor in altium. (done?)
  3. Use standart headers from misc devices. (done in serial_port)

Things left to do:

  1. Create footprint for elec capacitors (done)
  2. Replace old cap components in serial port. (done)
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