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Odd edited this page Oct 15, 2013 · 11 revisions

(Odd made a page for the LEDs because right now he is all about those LEDs)

The PSU LED should have a Forward Voltage max = 2.4V and typical = 1.9V because that is what 256SoG used on their PSU and we don't want to screw anything up. Or have to change anything on the PSU.

Dimensions are listed as width x height x thickness in millimeters.

LED Colour Dimensions Forward Voltage (F V) min F V typ F V max Luminous Intensity Forward Current Datasheet Comment Schematic Footprint
Avago Technologies HSMG-C170 Green 2.0x1.25x0.80 - 2.2V 2.6V 15mcd 20mA Datasheet This goes everywhere else. Avago Optoelectronic LED.IntLib Avago Optoelectronic LED.IntLib
Avago Technologies HSMC-C190 Red 1.6x0.8x0.8 - 1.9V 2.4V 90mcd 25mA Datasheet for the PSU Avago Optoelectronic LED.IntLib Avago Optoelectronic LED.IntLib

LED Resistor Calculations

How strong a resistor is required to run the LEDs at the various voltages our board can produce?

LED 1.2V 2.5V 3.3V 5.0V 12.0V
HSMG-C170 (Non-PSU) n/a 15R; 1/8W 56R; 1/8W 150R; 1/8W 560R; 1/2W
HSMC-C190 (PSU) n/a 27R; 1/8W 56R; 1/8W 150R; 1/4W 470R; 1/2W


The HSMG-C170 was chosen as the general I/O type deal LED because we wanted a different colour for this than the one chosen for the LEDs on the PSU. At first we had selected a Kingbright LED but after some time we discovered that footprints for the HSMG-C170 were readily available so we switched to that one.


The HSMC-C190 was chosen as the PSU LED because its stats were very similar to the one used by 256SoG on their PSU.

Footprint creation shouldn't be an issue as the datasheets contain a "recommended soldering pattern"

LED Calculator

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