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Odd edited this page Oct 24, 2013 · 7 revisions

Looked through the commit log on the master branch. Eirik's been doing stuff. Barricelli.pcb has no design rule violations now. That's good, I think. The only design rule I know about is that the pads of BGA-type chips/components should have a minimum diameter of 0.3mm. I'm trusting the rest of the team on this. Don't know if we should include the design rules we used in the report. We certainly could. Either way we should include a short bit about how one should tailor the design rules to each board depending on its application/intended use and requirements and other mumbo jumbo like stuff.

Hm, the line is back on the SD card footprint. I thought we fixed that yesterday? Hm it is fixed in both the pcblibrary, schematic library and the actual schematic, just not in barricelli.pcb. Fixed it by opening the sd card footprint pcblib (con card.pcblib), navigating to the pcb library menu, right clicking the footprint and selecting "Update PCB with <footprint name>".

Exporting those gerber files:

(vaguely from memory, Odd Rune walked me through it yesterday)

  1. Open barricelli.pcb
  2. File -> Fabrication outputs -> gerber files
  3. in the "general" tab, set units to millimeter and format to 4:4
  4. in the "layers" tab, we selected Top Overlay, Top Solder, Top Layer, PWR, Mid-Layer 1-4, GND, Bottom Layer, Bottom Solder, Bottom Overlay

Should we also include bottom & top paste? No says Odd Rune.

Sent an email to Odd Rune to obtain this information. Eirik's going over the design, I'm trying to dig up the macaos documentation.

Found -- didn't really give me much.

Odd Rune responded to the email:

alle kobber-lag (topp, bunn og interne lag), top og bunn solder (mask), samt et mekanisk lag som definerer board outline.

Found the board specifications in

Assuming this is what 256SoG means by "macaos documentation".

We've got silk screen lines with a width less than 0.150mm (the easter egg in the crystal footprint is 0.05mm). We'll just see how that works out.

NC Drill files yo

Tried using the settings suggested here, but that resulted in a drill file in which all the holes were like, one pixel wide. So I set the format to 4.4 rather than 3.3 (assuming this is how many digits to use before and after the decimal sign) and that resulted in a more sensible drill file.

well okay now that's off to production

(I think) -- 20131023r says we should send yamanu/nichele/odd rune our production files so they could get the card to production so that's what I've done because Rune's phone is off.

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