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widberg edited this page Nov 3, 2024 · 4 revisions

The SPAFILE is a resource in the executable with information pertinent to Games for Windows Live (see XLive). It can be extracted with spaday, the for the project has instructions and further information about the specifics of the format.



The XML tag GameConfigProject in the embedded 434D082F.original.xlast file has some interesting information.

<GameConfigProject clsid="{77E1A64F-5837-489B-AF8E-E4BA0FDACE7D}" name="Offroad" titleName="FUEL™" multiplayer="false" projectVersion="1.00.0229.0" titleId="0x434D082F" titleType="1" schemaVersion="1.05.0000.0">

The text Offroad refers to the game's development name Grand Raid Offroad. It is also interesting that the multiplayer attribute is false when the game has multiplayer. Title type 1 is a full release, not a system, demo, or download title.


<LocalizedString clsid="{F88D7D87-B2C0-452D-977D-297D70400AFF}" id="5" friendlyName="XSTRINGID_SELL_TEXT">
	<Translation locale="de-DE">En un presente alternativo, los devastadores efectos del calentamiento global han asolado Norteamérica, convirtiendo vastas extensiones en tierra de nadie. Inundaciones, tormentas, incendios, tornados y huracanes han obligado a evacuar pueblos y ciudades enteras y recluido a sus habitantes en zonas seguras. Los estragos causados por el clima extremo han creado miles de kilómetros de zonas inhóspitas y peligrosas. Tras la destrucción causada por el calentamiento global, la gente se ha visto obligada a recurrir a energías renovables. Pero estas zonas de peligro son ahora el terreno de juego de un nuevo tipo de pilotos. Los adictos a la adrenalina se dirigen a las tierras salvajes cargados de FUEL para competir en espectaculares carreras contra ellos mismos y los elementos.</Translation>
	<Translation locale="en-US">In an alternate present, vast swathes of America have become no-go areas as the devastating effects of global warming ravage the continent. Floods, storms, bush-fires, tornados and hurricanes have driven people from towns and cities into safe zones as extreme weather wreaks havoc, creating thousands of square miles of dangerous uninhabitable areas. People turn to renewable energy in the face of the destruction caused by global warming. But these danger zones become a playground for a new breed of racer. With a stockpile of fuel to be burned, adrenaline junkies head into the wilderness to compete against each other in spectacular races against themselves and the elements.</Translation>
	<Translation locale="es-ES">Welcome to the world’s largest ever racing environment - over 14,000 square km of seamlessly streaming gameworld to race and explore! In an alternate present, vast swathes of America have become no-go areas as devastating effects of global warming ravage the continent. Floods, storms, brush-fires, tornadoes and hurricanes have driven people from towns and cities into safe zones as extreme weather wreaks havoc, creating thousands of square miles of dangerous, uninhabitable areas. People turn to renewable energy in the face of the destruction caused by global warming. But the danger zones become a playground for a new breed of racer. With a stockpile of fuel to be burned, adrenaline junkies head into the wilderness to compete against each other in spectacular races against themselves and the elements.</Translation>
	<Translation locale="fr-FR">Dans un présent alternatif, des régions entières des Etats-Unis ont été abandonnées en raison du réchauffement global. Raz-de-marée, gigantesques incendies, orages violents et tornades ont obligé les habitants à fuir les villes pour se réfugier dans des régions protégées, abandonnant ainsi des milliers de km². Ils se sont tournés vers les énergies renouvelables pour éviter que la situation ne s'aggrave encore. Ces régions désertées sont devenues le terrain de jeu d'une nouvelle race de pilotes. Avec de grandes quantités de FUEL à leur disposition, ces têtes brûlées organisent des courses spectaculaires où ils doivent affronter leurs adversaires et les éléments.</Translation>
	<Translation locale="it-IT">In un presente alternativo, vaste aree del Nord America sono ormai off-limits per gli effetti devastanti del riscaldamento globale. Inondazioni, tempeste, incendi boschivi, tornado e uragani hanno spinto la popolazione lontano dalle città, verso zone sicure, mentre condizioni atmosferiche estreme hanno portato il caos e prodotto migliaia di chilometri quadrati di territori inospitali e pericolosi. La gente si sta finalmente convertendo all'energia rinnovabile per tentare di rimediare alla distruzione provocata dal riscaldamento globale. Ma queste lande pericolose adesso sono diventate il teatro d'azione di una nuova stirpe di piloti. Con una riserva di carburante da bruciare, questi fanatici carichi di adrenalina si addentrano nei territori selvaggi per competere tra di loro in gare spettacolari contro loro stessi e contro gli elementi.</Translation>
	<Translation locale="ru-RU">In an alternate present, vast swathes of America have become no-go areas as the devastating effects of global warming ravage the continent. Floods, storms, bush-fires, tornados and hurricanes have driven people from towns and cities into safe zones as extreme weather wreaks havoc, creating thousands of square miles of dangerous uninhabitable areas. People turn to renewable energy in the face of the destruction caused by global warming. But these danger zones become a playground for a new breed of racer. With a stockpile of fuel to be burned, adrenaline junkies head into the wilderness to compete against each other in spectacular races against themselves and the elements.


For FMTK Users and Mod Developers

Read the Docs

For FMTK Developers

Asobo BigFile Format Specification
Asobo Classes
Asobo File Format Idioms
Asobo CRC32
Asobo LZ Compression
Asobo Arithmetic Coding Compression
Asobo Save Game File Format Specification
Asobo Audio Formats
TotemTech/ToonTech/Zouna/ACE/BSSTech/Opal Timeline
Zouna Modding Resources

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