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CCPP Framework Meeting Minutes 2021 10 14

goldy edited this page Oct 14, 2021 · 2 revisions


(Dom on leave today, running Mt. Sanitas during the meeting) Notes taken during meeting in italics.

  • Transition to
  • Criteria for adding new physics to CCPP physics repository
  • Dictionary of standard names
  • Metadata section in CCPP technical documentation

Transition to

  • GitHub project "capgen unification"
  • Created a new issue to capture the work on implementing the var_action class
  • Steve and Dom need to come up with estimated on how long the different tasks take
    • Steve will set up meeting with Dom next week to start this process
    • Ligia mentioned that Louisa contacted Jean-François and Andrew Gettelman in CGD to talk about concerns over capgen unification priority at NCAR. Steve will try to get an update on this before meeting with Dom.
  • Navy would like to use capgen in their first operational implementation, but the implementation window is closing fast (when?)
    • Dom sent an email to Alex (Oct 5) to ask about this - no reply yet
  • Navy also wants to add RAMS microphysics to CCPP physics repository
    • Dom also asked Alex about this (who ports it, who tests and maintains it) - no reply yet
  • New feature in debugging feature to help detect unallocated or wrongly allocated arrays

Criteria for adding new physics to CCPP physics repository (from last week)

  • Being tested and maintained by someone using one or more models
  • Regression testing: what does it mean/encompass?
  • Follow CCPP requirements
  • Runtime performance and other computational criteria?
  • Scientific value? This is very difficult to decide, may depend on host model, ...
  • Relates to ongoing CCPP physics governance discussion
  • In future, move this subject to CCPP code management team

Dictionary of standard names (from last week)

  • New standard names from MPAS porting efforts
    • Every name in every scheme is now uniquely identified across all schemes for MPAS
  • Dave will create a PR for their variables to CCPPStandardNames
    • How do we handle duplicates? By definition there can't be any duplicates
    • Differences w.r.t. rules for composing standard names (prefix vs suffix)
    • Can we start with schemes that are already in both NCAR ccpp-physics main and MPAS
      • For conflicting names, decide which is better and update the dictionary, existing modeling systems and rules accordingly
  • Eventually, management of this repository should move to CCPP code management team
  • Start tagging the standard names repo so that physics repositories can specify the version of the dictionary with which they are compliant.
    • New variables, clarification, and format updates increment the PATCH version number
    • Variable changes (e.g., a standard name change that requires updating a physics repository) updates the MINOR version number

CCPP technical documentation section on metadata

  • CCPP metadata is becoming more complex, we should dedicate a section to it in the CCPP technical documentation
  • With Julie retiring, we will give this task to the new CCPP doc lead (yet to be determined)
  • Look into using pydoc for documenting capgen, how can it work with current (Sphinx-based) system?
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