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Artifact Properties

Fenris447 edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 1 revision

To add major/minor beneficial/detrimental artifact properties to an item, you'll need to add a few tags, a bootstrap, and two eval scripts.

Everything is done in this order:

  1. Minor Beneficial
  2. Major Beneficial
  3. Minor Detrimental
  4. Major Detrimental

So when you see things below, assume the line is for that kind of property. You don't need to include all lines for all artifacts, just the corresponding lines for the type of property that artifact has.


  1. <tag group="Custom" tag="5CAPEIB" name="Minor Beneficial Artifact Properties Eligible"/>
  2. <tag group="Custom" tag="5CAPEAB" name="Major Beneficial Artifact Properties Eligible"/>
  3. <tag group="Custom" tag="5CAPEID" name="Minor Detrimental Artifact Properties Eligible"/>
  4. <tag group="Custom" tag="5CAPEAD" name="Major Detrimental Artifact Properties Eligible"/>


Any artifact with the properties should have "cfg5CArtPrp" bootstrapped to it.

Eval Script 1

Run this at First phase, timing 100. Let X equal the number of that kind of properties the item has. Start the script out (regardless of the kind of properties) with:

perform hero.childfound[cfg5CArtPrp].setfocus

  1. focus.field[cfgMax1].value += X

  2. focus.field[cfgMax2].value += X

  3. focus.field[cfgMax3].value += X

  4. focus.field[cfgMax4].value += X

Eval Script 2

Run this at Final phase, timing 100. Let X equal the number of that kind of properties the item has.


if (tagcount[Custom.5CAPIB] >= X) then

perform delete[Custom.5CAPEIB]



if (tagcount[Custom.5CAPAB] >= X) then

perform delete[Custom.5CAPEAB]



if (tagcount[Custom.5CAPID] >= X) then

perform delete[Custom.5CAPEID]



if (tagcount[Custom.5CAPAD] >= X) then

perform delete[Custom.5CAPEAD]
