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Steve Bond edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

--ladderize, -ld

Implemented in version 1.3


Reorder the branches of the tree based on the number of child nodes for every given subtree. Note that this does not change the actual structure of the tree, only the way it is drawn.


Reverse order ( str )

Optional. Passing in the word 'rev' will reverse the sort into descending order.

  • ascending (default) = subtrees with a smaller number of child nodes will be listed first
  • descending = subtrees with a larger number of child nodes will be listed first


Input file: test.tree

           /------------------------------------------- A
|          |          /-------------------------------- B
|          \----------+
|                     |          /--------------------- C
|                     \----------+
+                                |          /---------- D
|                                \----------+
|                                           \---------- E
|                                /--------------------- F
                                 |          /---------- G
                                            \---------- H

Usage example 1

$: pb test.tree -ld



                                 /--------------------- F
|                                |          /---------- G
|                                \----------+
+                                           \---------- H
|          /------------------------------------------- A
           |          /-------------------------------- B
                      |          /--------------------- C
                                 |          /---------- D
                                            \---------- E

Usage example 2

$: pb test.tree -ld rev


                                            /---------- D
                      /----------+          \---------- E
                      |          |
           /----------+          \--------------------- C
           |          |
/----------+          \-------------------------------- B
|          |
|          \------------------------------------------- A
|                                           /---------- G
|                                /----------+
\--------------------------------+          \---------- H
                                 \--------------------- F

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