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85 lines (81 loc) · 59 KB

Summary of under-trained token detection:

  • 'Verified without s/b' refers to without special tokens or single byte tokens
Model reports Embeddings Tokenizer Vocab Size # bytes # unreachable # partial utf-8 # special # verified # verified w/o s/b Longest token Examples
152334H/miqu-1-70b-sf mini full 32000 × 8192 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 351 0 0 3 30/639 27/610 springframework ▁Mediabestanden, ▁Portály, ederbörd, ▁regnig, хівовано, ▁Мексичка, %;\r, ▁archiválva, ▁demsel, ▁});\r
Skywork/Skywork-13B-base mini full 65519 × 4608 BPE 65519 351 1629 0 3 14/1274 14/1274 springframework ▁Mediabestanden, ▁autorytatywna, Webachiv, Архівовано, ▁Portály, ▁Расподела, nederbörd, ▁demsel, ▁eredetiből, ▁regnig
meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf mini full 32000 × 5120 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 351 0 0 3 20/639 17/567 springframework ▁Mediabestanden, ▁Portály, ederbörd, nederbörd, ▁Расподела, ▁demsel, ▁regnig, ▁Genomsnitt, ▁Мексичка, ▁Årsmed
meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf mini full 32000 × 8192 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 351 0 0 3 32/639 30/625 springframework ▁Mediabestanden, ▁Portály, ederbörd, nederbörd, ▁Расподела, ▁demsel, ▁regnig, tatywna, љашње, хівовано
meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf mini full 32000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 351 0 0 3 20/639 19/551 springframework ▁Mediabestanden, ▁Portály, oreferrer, ederbörd, ▁Расподела, nederbörd, ▁regnig, ▁demsel, tatywna, љашње
microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct mini full 32064 × 3072 BPE, Byte Fallback 32011 351 0 0 14 169/636 169/635 springframework ▁Mediabestanden, ▁autorytatywna, ▁Хронологија, ▁Portály, Архівовано, Webachiv, ▁Спољашње, ▁archiválva, хівовано, ▁regnigaste
microsoft/Phi-3.5-mini-instruct mini full 32064 × 3072 BPE, Byte Fallback 32011 351 0 0 14 88/636 87/633 springframework ▁Хронологија, Архівовано, ▁Спољашње, ▁Mediabestanden, хівовано, ▁autorytatywna, Webachiv, ▁надморској, ▁regnigaste, ▁årsnederbörd
upstage/solar-pro-preview-instruct mini full 32128 × 5120 BPE, Byte Fallback 32128 351 0 0 131 138/639 127/605 springframework ▁regnigaste, ▁Mediabestanden, ▁Хронологија, ▁årsnederbörd, ▁Portály, Архівовано, ▁Спољашње, ▁надморској, ▁autorytatywna, ▁савезној
HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta mini full 32000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 380 0 0 3 76/637 70/529 includegraphics \uefc0, ▁/**\r, });\r, };\r, ▁});\r, ';\r, ▁//\r, */\r, >?[<, ▁*/\r
Nexusflow/Starling-LM-7B-beta mini full 32002 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32002 380 0 0 5 48/636 42/530 includegraphics \uefc0, ▁/**\r, });\r, ▁});\r, ▁//\r, };\r, ';\r, */\r, >?[<, ▁*/\r
Rakuten/RakutenAI-7B mini full 48000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 48000 380 0 0 3 66/957 59/950 includegraphics \uefc0, ▁/**\r, });\r, ▁//\r, };\r, ▁});\r, >?[<, */\r, ]);\r, ▁};\r
h2oai/h2o-danube2-1.8b-base mini full 32000 × 2560 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 380 0 0 3 64/637 62/617 includegraphics \+\_\, \uefc0, iNdEx, .^{[, ▁beginnetje, , ▁febbra, ▁Населення, NdEx, ederbörd
mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 mini full 32000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 380 0 0 3 35/637 28/529 includegraphics \uefc0, ▁/**\r, ▁//\r, >?[<, */\r, \x85, });\r, };\r, ';\r, /**\r
mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 mini full 32000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 380 0 0 3 49/637 43/529 includegraphics \uefc0, ▁/**\r, });\r, };\r, ▁});\r, ▁//\r, ';\r, */\r, >?[<, ▁*/\r
mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1 mini full 32000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 380 0 0 3 44/637 42/542 includegraphics \uefc0, ▁/**\r, ▁//\r, });\r, ▁});\r, */\r, };\r, ]);\r, ▁};\r, ▁*/\r
upstage/SOLAR-10.7B-v1.0 mini full 32000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32000 380 0 0 3 58/638 51/523 includegraphics ▁/**\r, });\r, };\r, ▁});\r, ▁//\r, ';\r, */\r, ▁*/\r, ]);\r, ▁};\r
mistralai/Codestral-22B-v0.1 mini full 32768 × 6144 BPE, Byte Fallback 32768 380 0 0 771 54/637 48/602 includegraphics ▁/**\r, });\r, ▁//\r, ';\r, ▁},\r, ]);\r, ▁);\r, ());\r, ▁*/\r, ▁};\r
mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.3 mini full 32768 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 32768 380 0 0 771 53/637 47/529 includegraphics \uefc0, ▁/**\r, });\r, };\r, ▁});\r, ▁//\r, ';\r, */\r, >?[<, ▁*/\r
utter-project/EuroLLM-1.7B mini full 128000 × 2048 BPE, Byte Fallback 128000 354 1 0 261 357/2559 101/2260 includegraphics funsio, urasGeneral, ▁momč, asaíne, jetain, ▁compéten, ▁meais, ħtie, ▁voormal, iċli
utter-project/EuroLLM-9B mini full 128000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 128000 354 1 0 261 317/2559 60/2288 includegraphics funsio, urasGeneral, ▁funsio, ▁momč, asaíne, jetain, ▁compéten, ħtie, ▁voormal, iċli
m-a-p/neo_7b mini full 64256 × 3072 BPE, Byte Input 64005 351 0 0 8 403/1276 403/1276 即表明您已经阅读并接受上述条款 ▁只看该作者大, 写一个指定评分, ▁先判断以下内容的, nhelpviewer, :①②\, 如所属地区或, 身份在社区发言, 用上半句或者, ▁请给出下面的, ▁这条电影评论
deepseek-ai/deepseek-coder-33b-base mini full 32256 × 7168 BPE, Byte Input 32022 256 53 327 9 111/631 108/628 ArgumentException \xa0anys, \xa0milions, \xa0persones, ▁desocupats, Polítics, automòbils, ▁capbaix, ▁unipersonals, Родени, ▁херцо
bigcode/starcoder2-15b mini full 49152 × 6144 BPE, Byte Input 49152 242 0 676 38 128/968 128/966 InvalidProtocolBufferException Integervelvel, Loremipumdolorsitametconsecteturadipiscingelit, lcsStatusWlan, ucMZQg, hqSLBjKPZFq, fWILIM, tableOBJECT, vjHPp, fWILIMmJNUZLIEMNV, GQGantt
ibm-granite/granite-3.0-8b-base mini full 49152 × 4096, tied BPE, Byte Input 49152 242 0 675 19 209/979 198/967 InvalidProtocolBufferException DetalleNotaCreditoPuntoVenta, strmojo, ExperimentResultSet, DocSyntaxParser, ParamCaption, DetalleOrdenCompra, MODRST, esatterwhite, DetalleFacturaProveedor, StatusPointer
01-ai/Yi-1.5-9B mini full 64000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 64000 354 4 0 238 63/1274 61/1261 Acknowledgements \\+::\\+, \\+\\_\\+\\+, \\+\\_\\+, mabaochang, \\+::, nzoem, \\+\\_\\, Разпространение, mcited, ":"\ufeff
01-ai/Yi-9B mini full 64000 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 64000 354 4 0 238 82/1274 80/1266 Acknowledgements \\+::\\+, \\+\\_\\+\\+, \\+\\_\\+, mabaochang, \\+::, nzoem, \\+\\_\\, Разпространение, mcited, ":"\ufeff
01-ai/Yi-Coder-9B-Chat mini full 64000 × 4096 BPE 64000 354 3 0 238 477/1279 299/1094 Acknowledgements \\+\\_\\+\\+, \\+::\\+, ▁本实用新型的, mabaochang, nzoem, mcited, ▁本实用新型, \\+\\_\\+, mrrooter, Разпространение
ai21labs/AI21-Jamba-1.5-Mini mini full 65536 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 65536 355 0 0 1543 6/1280 3/1176 ArgumentException derrelsc, .\xa0(\[, ronicsystems
ai21labs/Jamba-v0.1 mini full 65536 × 4096 BPE, Byte Fallback 65536 355 0 0 1543 6/1280 3/1176 ArgumentException derrelsc, .\xa0(\[, ronicsystems
google/codegemma-7b mini full 256000 × 3072, tied BPE, Byte Fallback 256000 380 1 0 158 936/5117 834/5015 TouchableOpacity ^(@)$_, हिंदीखरीदारी, \u200cآمباردا, ſammen, ▁coachTry, ſſung, ▁AcceptedLoading, EnglishChoose, ▁queſto, ▁queſta
google/gemma-2b mini full 256000 × 2048, tied BPE, Byte Fallback 256000 380 1 0 158 3161/5119 3055/5013 TouchableOpacity ^(@)$_, हिंदीखरीदारी, ▁coachTry, \u200cآمباردا, ▁AcceptedLoading, ſammen, ſſung, ▁Weiſe, ▁ſeines, )$_.
google/gemma-7b mini full 256000 × 3072, tied BPE, Byte Fallback 256000 380 1 0 158 800/5119 694/5013 TouchableOpacity हिंदीखरीदारी, \u200cآمباردا, ^(@)$_, ▁coachTry, ▁queſto, ▁AcceptedLoading, ſammen, ▁zuſammen, ▁queſta, EnglishChoose
EleutherAI/gpt-j-6b mini full 50400 × 4096, with bias BPE, Byte Input 50400 256 0 216 144 200/1002 57/848 BuyableInstoreAndOnline ▁attRot, ▁externalToEVA, EStreamFrame, ▁RandomRedditor, PsyNetMessage, ▁SolidGoldMagikarp, ▁Adinida, ▁RandomRedditorWithNo, cloneembedreportprint, oreAndOnline
microsoft/phi-2 mini full 51200 × 2560, with bias BPE, Byte Input 50295 256 0 216 1 103/999 101/969 BuyableInstoreAndOnline DragonMagazine, ▁Dragonbound, ▁RandomRedditorWithNo, ▁externalToEVAOnly, GoldMagikarp, TPPStreamerBot, Downloadha, EStreamFrame, ?????-?????-, ▁TheNitrome
openai-community/gpt2 mini full 50257 × 768, tied BPE, Byte Input 50257 256 0 216 1 65/999 33/967 BuyableInstoreAndOnline InstoreAndOnline, rawdownload, quickShip, oreAndOnline, embedreportprint, ▁サーティ, ▁RandomRedditor, ▁externalToEVA, ▁TheNitrome, reportprint
openai-community/gpt2-large mini full 50257 × 1280, tied BPE, Byte Input 50257 256 0 216 1 60/999 28/967 BuyableInstoreAndOnline ▁サーティ, InstoreAndOnline, oreAndOnline, ▁TheNitrome, rawdownload, quickShip, embedreportprint, ▁RandomRedditor, ▁externalToEVA, reportprint
openai-community/gpt2-medium mini full 50257 × 1024, tied BPE, Byte Input 50257 256 0 216 1 49/999 17/967 BuyableInstoreAndOnline reportprint, ▁サーティ, ▁externalToEVA, rawdownload, quickShip, ▁RandomRedditor, ▁TheNitrome, InstoreAndOnline, embedreportprint, oreAndOnline
openai-community/gpt2-xl mini full 50257 × 1600, tied BPE, Byte Input 50257 256 0 216 1 67/999 35/967 BuyableInstoreAndOnline embedreportprint, quickShip, ▁サーティ, ▁externalToEVA, reportprint, rawdownload, oreAndOnline, InstoreAndOnline, ▁TheNitrome, ▁RandomRedditor
benjamin/Mistral-7B-v0.1-zett-gpt2 mini full 50394 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 50394 256 63 216 7 19/1002 13/979 BuyableInstoreAndOnline , , , , , , , , ,
EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b mini full 50432 × 6144 BPE, Byte Input 50277 243 221 369 2 10/993 9/889 ArgumentException FFIRMED, ▁taxp, ▁biomark, ▁affidav, ortunately, ▁questionna, GLIGENCE, NdEx, ▁BytePtrFromString
EleutherAI/pythia-6.9b mini full 50432 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 50277 243 221 369 2 14/993 13/933 ArgumentException FFIRMED, ▁taxp, ▁affidav, ▁biomark, ortunately, ▁researc, GLIGENCE, visiae, NdEx, pendicular
allenai/OLMo-1.7-7B-hf mini full 50304 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 50280 243 221 369 2 175/993 174/992 ArgumentException ▁()](\, ]{}\_, ]{}\^[, ^\[[@, "}**)., \])]{}, ^−/−, .^\[[@, ]\]^, ]{}\_[
allenai/OLMo-7B-hf mini full 50304 × 4096[*] BPE, Byte Input 50280 243 221 369 2 266/993 265/992 ArgumentException \])]{}, ▁()](\, ▁§\[, ]{}\_, ]{}\^[, .^\[[@, $.[]{, :**]{}, ^\[[@, ]\]^
allenai/OLMoE-1B-7B-0924 mini full 50304 × 2048 BPE, Byte Input 50280 243 221 369 2 80/993 79/905 ArgumentException |||EMAIL_ADDRESS|||, |||PHONE_NUMBER|||, |||IP_ADDRESS|||, .^\[[@, ▁()](\, ]{}\_, ]{}\_[, ]{}\^[, \])]{}, ]\]^
PleIAs/Pleias-1.2b-Preview mini full 65536 × 2048, tied BPE, Byte Input 65536 243 0 603 4 7/1297 6/1294 ArgumentException NdEx, abogon, ▁talags, ſſſſſſſſ, ticolul, chniques
internlm/internlm2_5-7b-chat mini full 92544 × 4096 BPE 92544 383 64 0 150 453/1845 312/1700 InvalidArgumentException 現時由南極條約體系管理, 南極條約體系管理, 年美國人口普查的數據, 而該地的平均海拔高度為, 當中陸地面積為, 該地的面積和人口, 而人口密度為每平方千米, 人口密度為每平方千米, 不会自动计算在总价中, 而水域面積為
Qwen/Qwen1.5-32B mini full 152064 × 5120 BPE, Byte Input 151646 256 1906 1320 6 2450/2966 2450/2964 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, ▁ForCanBeConverted, useRalative, ספטמ, (stypy, $PostalCodesNL, \tTokenNameIdentifier, Japgolly, PostalCodesNL, ▁typingsJapgolly
Qwen/Qwen1.5-72B-Chat mini full 152064 × 8192 BPE, Byte Input 151646 256 1906 1320 6 2047/2968 2047/2966 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ▁ForCanBeConverted, ספטמ, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, $PostalCodesNL, PostalCodesNL, טלוו, (stypy, ▁zwłaszc, \tTokenNameIdentifier, useRalative
Qwen/Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B mini full 151936 × 2048 BPE, Byte Input 151646 256 1906 1320 6 2725/2968 2723/2966 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $PostalCodesNL, ▁typingsJapgolly, \tTokenNameIdentifier, ▁typingsSlinky, ▁zwłaszc, (stypy, ▁ForCanBeConverted, ספטמ, useRalative, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF
Qwen/Qwen2-57B-A14B mini full 151936 × 3584 BPE, Byte Input 151646 256 1906 1320 6 1694/2966 1694/2966 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ▁ForCanBeConverted, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, PostalCodesNL, $PostalCodesNL, useRal, useRalative, (stypy, ▁zwłaszc, webElementX, 𑘁
Qwen/Qwen2.5-32B-Instruct mini full 152064 × 5120 BPE, Byte Input 151665 256 1906 1320 25 1256/2979 1238/2958 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ▁ForCanBeConverted, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, PostalCodesNL, $PostalCodesNL, (stypy, ▁zwłaszc, \tTokenNameIdentifier, ▁thuisontvangst, טלוו, useRalative
Qwen/Qwen2.5-7B mini full 152064 × 3584 BPE, Byte Input 151665 256 1906 1320 25 1332/2979 1311/2958 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \tTokenNameIdentifier, ▁ForCanBeConverted, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, PostalCodesNL, $PostalCodesNL, ▁zwłaszc, (stypy, טלוו, ▁thuisontvangst, useRalative
Qwen/Qwen2.5-7B-Instruct mini full 152064 × 3584 BPE, Byte Input 151665 256 1906 1320 25 1859/2979 1842/2958 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \tTokenNameIdentifier, ▁ForCanBeConverted, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, PostalCodesNL, $PostalCodesNL, ▁zwłaszc, (stypy, טלוו, ▁thuisontvangst, useRalative
allenai/Llama-3.1-Tulu-3-8B mini full 128264 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 128257 256 0 1224 257 559/2540 305/2225 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $PostalCodesNL, итися, ıldığında, аракт, ЎыџN, \tTokenNameIdentifier, атися, ávající, useRalative, ЎыџNЎыџN
allenai/OLMo-2-1124-13B mini full 100352 × 5120[*] BPE, Byte Input 100278 256 0 645 19 192/1992 174/1974 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \tRTHOOK, richTextPanel, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, |||PHONE_NUMBER|||, adaptiveStyles, useRal, useRalativeImagePath, ▁ForCanBeConverted, webElementXpaths, SpecWarn
allenai/OLMo-2-1124-7B mini full 100352 × 4096[*] BPE, Byte Input 100278 256 0 645 19 197/1992 179/1973 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz useRalative, |||EMAIL_ADDRESS|||, useRal, webElementProperties, \tRTCK, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, webElementX, PostalCodesNL, \tRTLU, \tRTHOOK
meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B mini full 128256 × 8192 BPE, Byte Input 128256 256 0 1224 256 462/2539 208/2204 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $PostalCodesNL, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, илася, useRalative, ávající, илакти, ыџN, атися, ЎыџN, İTESİ
meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B mini full 128256 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 128256 256 0 1224 256 556/2540 302/2203 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $PostalCodesNL, итися, \tTokenNameIdentifier, ▁ForCanBeConverted, ıldığında, аракт, ;\r\r\r\n, атися, еристи, ávající
meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B mini full 128256 × 8192 BPE, Byte Input 128256 256 0 1224 256 458/2539 204/2202 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $PostalCodesNL, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, илася, useRalative, ávající, илакти, атися, ыџN, ЎыџN, İTESİ
microsoft/phi-4 mini full 100352 × 5120 BPE, Byte Input 100352 256 21685 647 96 110/1559 17/1461 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz useRalative, useRal, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, webElementX, ▁ForCanBeConverted, PostalCodesNL, ▁Hexatrigesimal, ▁davidjl, artisanlib, ▁QtAws
stabilityai/stablelm-2-12b mini full 100352 × 5120 BPE, Byte Input 100289 256 1102 645 33 138/1997 109/1966 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (stypy, PostalCodesNL, ▁ForCanBeConverted, useRalative, \tTokenNameIdentifier, ▁ForCanBeConvertedToF, $PostalCodesNL, elementGuidId, webElementXpaths, webElementProperties
meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B mini full 128256 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 128256 256 0 1224 256 534/2540 280/2225 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $PostalCodesNL, итися, ıldığında, аракт, ЎыџN, ▁ForCanBeConverted, \tTokenNameIdentifier, атися, ;\r\r\r\n, ávající
chuxin-llm/Chuxin-1.6B-Base mini full 102400 × 2048 BPE, Byte Input 100015 256 32 438 2 887/1990 886/1983 IllegalArgumentException 日内与新浪看点, 不代表新浪看点, 基督教基督教基督教, controlcap, orangehilldev, кедония, посолство, lemanya, ▁EDIPU, RecordedVote
deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V2-Lite mini full 102400 × 2048 BPE, Byte Input 100002 243 12 438 2 202/1989 202/1989 IllegalArgumentException ="../../../../.."><, IconSuccessEncoded, IconErrorEncoded, orangehilldev, ExternalTaskPojo, typeNameLink, navBarCell, textquoted, 日内与新浪看点, Supamiu
deepseek-ai/deepseek-llm-7b-base mini full 102400 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 100015 256 32 438 2 188/1989 188/1989 IllegalArgumentException IconSuccessEncoded, IconErrorEncoded, ="../../../../.."><, ▁allClassesLink, 日内与新浪看点, ExternalTaskPojo, Irefn, orangehilldev, navBarCell, memSeparator
deepseek-ai/deepseek-math-7b-base mini full 102400 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 100002 243 12 438 2 202/1989 202/1989 IllegalArgumentException IconSuccessEncoded, 日内与新浪看点, IconErrorEncoded, orangehilldev, 不代表新浪看点, ="../../../../.."><, ▁EDIPU, lemanya, odeciclismo, кедония
LGAI-EXAONE/EXAONE-3.0-7.8B-Instruct mini full 102400 × 4096 BPE, Byte Input 102400 256 2 1222 314 763/2022 462/1648 MethodAccessorImpl ▁**]{},, ▁|>#!/, ▁FBQyx, ▁\x95\x98, ▁*]{},, ▁',['../, ▁\x9d\x80, ▁*]{}., ▁$]{}]{}, ▁*]{}
LGAI-EXAONE/EXAONE-3.5-2.4B-Instruct mini full 102400 × 2560, tied BPE, Byte Input 102400 256 2 1222 314 781/2021 480/1713 MethodAccessorImpl ▁gICAg, ▁doibase, ▁기Q, ▁\x95\x98, ▁을라고, ▁\x9a\x84, ▁§\[, ▁으실까, ▁었잖, ▁으신데
mistralai/Mistral-Nemo-Base-2407 mini full 131072 × 5120 BPE, Byte Input 131072 256 0 1307 1000 1279/2595 277/1585 Vriendschappelijk ోగ్యాస్, 页面存档, ురుగున, ▁పారబో, రుగుదొడ, ▁erresident, మురుగున, \xa0μg, ▁ట్రాక్టర్ల, abezian
tiiuae/Falcon3-7B-Base mini full 131072 × 3072 BPE, Byte Input 131072 240 0 981 1900 2612/2612 716/716 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ _);>>, ``.>>, <<}));>>, <<//-------------------------------------------------------------------------->>, >>POS_15<<, <<//------------------------------------------------------------------------------>>, }`,>>, <</*>>, ()");>>, <<{&
CohereForAI/aya-23-35B mini full 256000 × 8192, tied BPE, Byte Input 255029 256 1403 2956 37 1693/5012 1650/4955 InvalidProtocolBufferException tochassubtree, ▁ARStdSong, ▁林肯近地小行星研究小, 目前尚未由人工引, recDocCases, AddLanguageSpecificText, tocguid, ▁hbBiddersParams, ageryears, \U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0065\U000e006e\U000e0067\U000e007f\U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0065\U000e006e\U000e0067\U000e007f
CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r-plus mini full 256000 × 12288, tied BPE, Byte Input 255029 256 1403 2956 37 75/5012 47/4962 InvalidProtocolBufferException 目前尚未由人工引, tocguid, ▁hbBiddersParams, ▁ARStdSong, ▁林肯近地小行星研究小, AddLanguageSpecificText, recDocCases, \U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0065\U000e006e\U000e0067\U000e007f\U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0065\U000e006e\U000e0067\U000e007f, tocectory, 和人口皆未知
CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r-v01 mini full 256000 × 8192, tied BPE, Byte Input 255029 256 1403 2956 37 306/5012 278/4963 InvalidProtocolBufferException ▁ARStdSong, AddLanguageSpecificText, ▁林肯近地小行星研究小, tochassubtree, tocguid, ageryears, ▁hbBiddersParams, 目前尚未由人工引, recDocCases, \U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0065\U000e006e\U000e0067\U000e007f\U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0065\U000e006e\U000e0067\U000e007f
Fugaku-LLM/Fugaku-LLM-13B mini full 49152 × 5184, tied Unigram, Byte Fallback 48586 353 85 0 8 682/972 675/965 FIAsyncOperation ▁kGTLR, RESETVALUE, \ue964, YYCURSOR, ▁GBProperty, CyFunction, VNVPROC, DIPSETTING, acadoWorkspace, ewGetProcAddress
kyutai/helium-1-preview-2b mini full 48000 × 2560 Unigram, Byte Fallback 48000 350 10 0 106 112/957 7/773 considérablement ▁TroveTag, ??(???)-, libreTexts, \({}^{-}\), \({}^{+}\), ??(???), gnificativamente
facebook/xglm-7.5B mini full 256008 × 4096, tied Unigram 256008 94 20 0 11 12/5129 11/5120 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 වැසි, ▁ukupnog, ᓯᒪᔪ, ▁ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼, ▁podmienok, ▁sėkmingai, рацыі, ▁යාපාරය, ೋರ್ಟ್, න්ද්

Processed 76 models, 76 succeeded